Agenda item

Consideration of Cabinet Budget Proposals


The Committee considered a report on the draft revenue budget and capital programme of the Children, Young People and Learning Services for 2018/19, along with indicative projections for the following years.


Following consideration by the Cabinet on 14 December 2017, these proposals were under consultation and would be discussed at each Policy Overview Committee.  The proposals were next due to be considered by Cabinet on 15 February 2018 and the report would include comments from the Policy Overview Committees.  Following that meeting of Cabinet, full Council would meet on 22 February 2018 to agree the budgets and council tax for 2018/19.


Overall, it was reported that despite the Council continuing to operate within the constraints of Government's deficit reduction programme, in addition to continuing demographic and demand pressures, the London Borough of Hillingdon still retained healthy balances. The Council was still also able to freeze council tax.


The report gave details of the savings proposals to meet the budget gaps and respond to the increases in costs pressures and contingency plans for development and risk. Officers gave a verbal summary of the key details.


The following contingency items related to services within the remit of Children, Young People and Learning Policy Overview Committee providing £3,326k additional funding to meet the costs of service delivery in 2018/19:

Asylum Service (£1,885k provision) - It was reported that there had not been a massive increase in asylum figures.  A provision of £1,885k was included within the draft budget to reflect the costs of supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Looked after Children's Placements (£797k provision) - During 2017/18 the number of Looked after Children has remained stable at between 220 and 230 placements. However it was reported that the specific needs are generally quite complex.

Support for Children with Disabilities (£367k provision) - The introduction of the Children's and Families Act 2014 had impacted upon the number of Children with Disabilities remaining within the care of Children's services, with greater numbers and more complex cases coming into the system than transitioning to Adult services. 

Social Worker Contingency (£277k provision) - As the market for recruiting Social Workers remained competitive, specific contingency provision to manage the premium involved in use of agency staff has been retained for 2018/19.

The Committee questioned the budget for troubled families. It was reported previously that there were 555 troubled families and there were now approximately 1990. Officers explained that there was a focus on the families and officers worked with families and the services the Council already had access too. The budget was working towards the expectation that the grant was decreasing. The local authority was required to report on action being undertaken to support troubled families and the LBH had done this. Data showed that families with two or more prescribed problems were being targeted.


In response to questions regarding the school capital programme, officers confirmed that there continued to be a focus on the provision of sufficient school places to meet the rise demand across the Borough. Head teachers were keen to ensure that every school funding place were filled to ensure full school funding.


Officers confirmed that the primary schools expansion programme phases 1, 2 and 3 had now been completed and construction works had started in relation to phase 4. The approved Phase 4 budget of £27,400k provided for three single forms of entry expansions across three sites.  Officers also explained that the existing secondary schools budget had been set on the basis there six forms of entry would be met by the creation of a new free school in the north of the borough. It was expected that a 2 FE shortfall in September 2019 will be met through provision of bulge classes. 


Officers confirmed that the changes in the reorganisation of children centres were being audited and reviewed. In terms of service delivery, there had been a fairly consistent management of change.


The Labour Members wished the following comments to be recorded:


The Labour Group on the CYP&L POC did not support the budget for 2017/18 as presented at the POC on 16 January 2018.  The Labour Members did not approve the budget as additional funding was still required for childrens centre. There were reductions being made to funding and there was a concern that youth clubs were being ignored.


The Conservative Members wished the following comments to be recorded:


The London Borough of Hillingdon continued to deliver without cutting frontline services. The Conservative Group welcomed and supported the budget and commended officers for their work in times of austerity.


RESOLVED -   That the Committee's support of the budget proposals, and the comments contained within these minutes, be forwarded to Cabinet.


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