Agenda item

Farmlands - Request to install a zebra crossing in the locality of the sheltered housing unit known as Ascot Court, Farmlands or adjacent to it


Councillors David Bishop and Andrew Retter were in attendance and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Ascott Court provided sheltered accommodation for over 60’s. They had to cross the road to access other places and the road did not have a crossing.
  • A resident would walk out of her way to get a bus rather than cross the road as she was that scared of crossing the road.
  • Another resident who is blind did the same.
  • There was an island at the middle of the road where pedestrians would be waiting for several minutes before being able to cross. The traffic did not stop to allow them to cross.
  • There had been a fatality in the past around 5 or 6 years ago, and accidents had happened.
  • The road is a B road but is wider than some A roads in the borough.
  • Motorists drove faster than the speed limit.
  • Parents with pushchairs and children used the road to try and cross as well as school children.  
  • The Petitioners suggested that something was needed to make it safer for pedestrians to cross the road.



The Ward Councillors commented on the petition:


  • Councillor Bishop requested that a 20mph zone be considered.
  • That a zebra crossing where the island was also be considered.
  • Ward Councillors had spoken with each other several times regarding the petition and were in agreement that something needed to be in place to improve the safety of the crossing.
  • The roads are 30mph zones but cars travelled much faster. Councillor Retter did not believe a 20mph zone was a realistic option as the cars would not adhere to it.
  • That the sight lines were difficult in some positions on the road so it was difficult to see on-coming traffic.
  • Believed the most logical place to install a zebra crossing would be where the island currently was.
  • Some signage would be required so that motorists were aware of this a crossing. Some larger signs would be required also.
  • This was something which Ward Councillors and residents had been requesting for 3 or 4 years.
  • The whole area was canvassed and there was overwhelming support for the 2 petitions presented.



Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


  • Everything in the area needed to be weighed up when making the decisions.
  • There were two vulnerable resident groups involved here, the elderly and children.
  • That zebra crossings did need clear sight lines. Where the island currently was would most likely be the best place for the crossing.
  • A feasibility study would allow officers to look at any further points which could be better suited for a zebra crossing.
  • Officers would be reporting back to the Cabinet member, he would them make a decision to put this through the Road Safety Programme.



Officers advised that:           


  • Signage needed to be adequate to inform drivers of the speed limit and a new crossing.
  • The process would begin without undue delay, most likely in the next financial year (April/May).
  • The best location for the zebra crossing was most likely the current location of the island but officers would be looking at if any alternatives were better suited.





That the Cabinet Member


1.                  Discussed with petitioners their concerns with crossing roads in the vicinity of Ascott Court and listened to their suggestions on possible locations for a pedestrian crossing.

2.                  Asked Officers to undertake a feasibility study for the possible installation of a pedestrian crossing and report back to the Cabinet Member.



Reasons for Recommendation:


That the petition request was acknowledged and before deciding on whether a pedestrian crossing would be provided the Cabinet Member needed to be advised on the feasibility and estimated cost.


Alternative Options Considered:


Alternative locations for a pedestrian crossing was discussed with the petitioners. Also a 20pmh zone was discussed.


Relevant Wards:


Northwood Hills, Eastcote and East Ruislip.

Supporting documents: