Agenda item

Land rear of 65-75 Worcester Road, Cowley - 73918/APP/2018/3038

Demolition of garages and the erection of four three-bedroom dwellinghouses with associated parking and landscaping.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be deferred.



Demolition of garages and the erection of four three-bedroom dwellinghouses with associated parking and landscaping.


Officers introduced the application, which sought planning consent for the demolition of existing garages and the erection of four three-bedroom houses, with landscaping and car parking.


Councillor Richard Mills, Ward Councillor for Brunel, was in attendance at the meeting to address the Committee. The Chairman confirmed that while it was unusual for a Ward Councillor representing a ward that was different to where the application was sited to address the Committee, the application in question was right on the boundary of Brunel Ward and was of interest to the residents of Brunel.


Councillor Mills noted that the local residents on the border of the ward were very apprehensive about the application, and while there was support for new housing in the borough, the size and location of this application was a concern. Members heard that the access was a concern for emergency vehicles, as a fire engine was unable to get to the site via the access road two weeks ago, and this could also lead to issues for refuse and construction vehicles.


The Committee heard that the report stated that there would be less traffic movements if the application was approved, but Councillor Mills noted that four family homes would have substantially more traffic movements that a number of derelict and unused garages, particularly in an area where public transport was limited and cars were necessary to travel.


Councillor Mills also stated that the properties were three-storey and overlooked the gardens and rears of neighbouring properties, particularly Nos. 69, 71 and 73 Worcester Road, which would lead to a reduction of light at the properties. Members heard that the application was not in keeping with the local area and should be refused.


Officers confirmed that, while a number of the garages were derelict or unused, the 35 garage units could be renovated and put into use, and as such, traffic movements are a comparison between 35 units and four houses, which is why a reduction in traffic movements was noted in the report.


Councillors were informed that the access road was 3m wide, and thus considered sufficient for emergency and refuse vehicles to access, while refuse was proposed to be within 30m of the access to the site and 30m of the proposed households, and therefore was within policy.


Officers noted that the properties were considered two-storey buildings as they were a similar size to other properties in the area, the only difference was that rooms were proposed in the roof.


The Committee heard that officers had measured the distances between the proposed housing and properties on both Clammas Way and Worcester Road. Officers stated that at the nearest point, the proposed housing was 18m from 52 and 54 Clammas Way, and 14.4m from 67, 69 and 71 Worcester Road at a 45 degree angle. Members were informed that a distance of 15m was required between properties, but officers considered a 600mm difference acceptable when considering the whole application. Officers also noted that the site was not currently unused, and there was currently a loss of outlook with the garages.


Councillors sought clarification regarding refuse collection, and were informed by officers that refuse storage plans would be included in a management plan under Condition 6. Responding to questioning from Members, officers confirmed that swept path analysis for refuse vehicles would be provided, and the worst case scenario would have refuse vehicles reversing into the access a maximum distance of 30m, which was within policy.


Members commented that the Committee still required information on a number of issues before it was possible to make a decision, and a motion to defer the application was moved and seconded. The Committee sought clarification on a number of issues, including refuse collection, access to the site, distances between the rear building line of existing properties and the new buildings, the use of the existing rear extensions on Worcester Road, the impact of the proposed buildings on daylight and sunlight and swept path analysis. The Committee also agreed that a site visit would be beneficial.


The motion to defer the application was put to a vote, and agreed unanimously by the Committee.


RESOLVED: That the application be deferred.

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