Councillors Allan Kauffman and Steve Tuckwell attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors in support of the petition.
Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
· The volume and speed of traffic using Long Drive had increased significantly and the area was heavily used by pedestrians;
· Long Drive appeared to be used as a cut through by vehicles heading for the A40 or the new shopping complex on Victoria Road;
· In June 2018, the petition organiser had witnessed an incident outside his home where a mother had been driving at about 20mph with small children in the car when she had had to swerve violently to avoid an oncoming speeding motorbike. She had then had to pacify the children who were clearly traumatised by the incident;
· Petitioners were aware that the speed restriction measures in place in Queens Walk had been effective in slowing the traffic down and that there were also measures in place further along Long Drive between Queens Walk and Field End Road;
· The petition had been started with the support of the Residents’ Association and, of the 50 properties that the petition organiser had visited, only three residents had expressed any concern about the implementation of traffic calming measures;
· It was clear that residents did not want speed bumps and would instead prefer speed tables;
· Although a previous traffic survey had found the 85th percentile to be 31mph, petitioners were concerned about the remaining 15%;
· It had been suggested that the requests made in the petition be coordinated with similar suggestions made in relation to The Fairway and Queens Walk;
· A range of well attended venues were in the vicinity of Long Drive including three schools, two churches, a young people’s centre, a Tube station, parks and allotments. Approximately 1.7m people used the station each year and, as a large number of parents and children needed to cross the road, measures to slow the traffic would improve their safety;
· Traffic calming measures would help to improve air quality, which was a concern in the area, by reducing excessive braking and engine revving; and
· It was noted that previous petitions had been submitted as a result of the impact of the increasing volume of traffic in the area. At peak times, vehicles could be held up in traffic jams for significant periods, particularly on Victoria Road and Long Drive.
Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. He suggested that Councillor Kauffman raise the need for an additional speed table in Field End Road as a Members’ Enquiry.
The Cabinet Member noted that the demographics of the area had changed significantly and recognised that there had been an increase in the volume of traffic. As such, he asked officers to undertake a traffic survey at locations agreed with the petition organiser and Ward Councillors. The survey would be undertaken by an independent company that would collect data in relation to the volume, speed, direction and type of vehicle using Long Drive. Data regarding any specific issues could also be passed to the Police. Subject to the results of this survey, consideration would be given to including Long Drive in a package of measures that included The Fairway and Queens Walk.
RESOLVED: Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling:
1. listened to their request for traffic calming measures in Long Drive, South Ruislip.
2. noted the petitions which have been submitted and heard requesting traffic calming on The Fairway and Queens Walk in South Ruislip, details of which were set out in the body of the report.
3. noted the traffic calming scheme which had already been provided on the section of Long Drive between Queens Walk and Field End Road.
4. asked officers to undertake further traffic surveys, at locations agreed by the lead petitioner and Ward Councillors present, and to then report back to the Cabinet Member.
5. subject to the outcome of the surveys, instructed officers to include the study of potential traffic calming on Long Drive as part of the considerations to be undertaken on The Fairway and Queens Walk, to produce a package of measures to report back.
Reasons for recommendations
The Petition Hearing will provide a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.
Alternative options considered / risk management
None at this stage.
Supporting documents: