The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting traffic calming measures in Morgans Lane. In support of the petition, the petitioners spoke of their concerns and suggestions including the following:
· Concerns were raised about vehicles driving the wrong way on the one way road, despite there being a police station at one end of the road. Vehicles drove too fast which caused danger to residents.
· Residents had to ensure that they looked both ways when crossing the road.
· Petitioners requested speed humps, visible road marking and signs for the way system to encourage drivers to drive safely.
· Photographs were shared with officers and Councillor Burrows evidencing vehicles entering the road from the wrong way. A number written statements from residents were also provided supporting the petition.
· Petitioners requested urgent action to be undertaken before there was a serious fatality.
Councillor Scott Farley attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the petition. He attested all the submissions made and explained that he had witnessed the issues first hand. Cars sped on this road regularly and preventative measures were necessary. He requested similar measures to Angel Lane, where measures appeared to be working well.
Councillor John Oswell attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the petition. He referred to the photo evidence that showed vehicles entering the wrong way and acknowledged that this had always been problematic in the area. He requested similar measures to other roads in the areas to ensure safety and avoid any serious incidents.
Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. Councillor Burrows accepted that speeding was an issue in the area and noted this from the petition and statements submitted. Councillor Burrows knew the area well and accepted that it was a busy road.
Councillor Burrows explained that an independent traffic survey would be commissioned through a specialist company in the normal manner. He explained that that the request would be added to the Council’s Road Safety Programme and agreed suitable locations to be monitored with the petitioners and the Ward Councillors. The results from the surveys would be shared with Ward Councillors.
In considering the matters, Councillors Burrows made the following decisions.
Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member:
1. Listened to their concerns with excessive traffic speeds and drivers ignoring the 'one-way' working in Morgans Lane, Hayes.
2. Noted the results of the previous speed and traffic surveys undertaken in Morgans Lane, Hayes.
3. Asked officers to undertake further traffic surveys, at locations agreed by the petitioners and then report back to the Cabinet Member.
4. Instructed officers to undertake a review of the road layout and look at any possible engineering options to prevent the abuse of the one way working and report back to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling for possible consultation.
Reasons for decision
The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.
Alternative options considered / risk management
None at this stage.
Supporting documents: