Agenda item

Petition Requesting a Residents' Permit Parking Scheme in Park View Road, Hillingdon


Councillor Alan Deville attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor in support of the petition. 


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

·         Although Park View Road was not a long road, it did have a large area adjacent to the carriageway where residents parked.  However, over the last eighteen months, it had become increasingly difficult for resident to park in this area and drivers were also parking in the turning point in the access road which meant that drivers had to reverse out;

·         There were a number of houses in the area that were rented out with 2-6 cars belonging to each property;

·         Thirteen houses in the road did not have driveways;

·         Hillingdon Hospital staff, Heathrow staff, pupils at the nearby school and holidaymakers had been parking their cars in Park View Road which reduced the parking available to residents.  It was thought that hospital staff were issued with parking vouchers but that these were not sufficient to last the whole year.  One non-resident car had been parked in Park View Road for 6-7 weeks before it finally moved;

·         The parking management scheme in nearby roads had also displaced some vehicles into Park View Road;

·         One resident had been woken up at 2am one morning by a driver asking her to move her vehicle so that he could drive away;

·         Park View Road residents had been subjected to abuse when they had asked drivers to park considerately;

·         It was thought that emergency vehicles had experienced difficulties in accessing the road.  A car had been parked on the end of the road by the bus stop which had hindered access for emergency vehicles and buses;

·         The lack of available parking meant that older residents were not able to park near to their properties;

·         There had been instances where cars had parked on Park View Road and the occupants had been taking drugs.  There had also been an instances of fly tipping and drivers urinating in the road;

·         It was thought that airport parking had been parking vehicles in Park View Road which had meant that the builders on the site around the corner were now parking on the main Stockley Road.  This had then caused additional congestion; and

·         Residents had been told by the refuse collectors that they would not be able to collect their rubbish in future if they cannot get down the road.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  He advised that an instance of airport parking elsewhere in the Borough had been resolved quickly with legal action by the Council. 


Although the Cabinet Member would be happy to consider the implementation of a parking management scheme, he advised that the programme was already large and continued to grow.  As such, it needed to be managed carefully and consideration would need to be given to how it might fit in with other issues. 


RESOLVED:  Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling:

1.         listened to their request for the introduction of a residents' permit parking scheme in Park View Road, Hillingdon.

2.         asked officers to include the request for a residents' permit parking scheme in Park View Road, Hillingdon to the Council’s future parking scheme programme for further investigation and more detailed consultation when resources permit.

3.         instructed officers to speak to the refuse department in relation to any issues currently experienced in Park View Road and report back to the Cabinet Member.

4.         instructed officers to liaise with emergency services requiring access to Park View Road and report back to the Cabinet Member.


Reasons for recommendations


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and, if appropriate, add their request to the parking schemes programme.


Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: