Agenda item

Hillingdon Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) and Safeguarding Adults Annual Report


 The Committee considered the Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Annual Report and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) report.


Safeguarding Adults Annual Report


The Assistant Director for Adult Social Work and Head of Service Safeguarding Adults were in attendance to introduce the report.


The report contained information in relation to the new governance arrangements and background information regarding adult safeguarding in Hillingdon. It was highlighted that there had been a marked increase in the number of adult safeguarding concerns and enquiries. This had occurred as a result of a review of working and partnership arrangements to ensure that all information was accurately captured. It was reported that the increase was therefore considered to be a positive step.


The Adult Safeguarding Board worked closely with other governing boards and strategic priorities across the Council.


It was identified that the number of safeguarding adult concerns that had progressed to a Safeguarding Adults Enquiry had reduced by 2% from the previous year. Adult Social Care had developed the work undertaken to determine if the statutory threshold for a Safeguarding Enquiry was met or whether any other action was required, and this had reduced the percentage of Safeguarding Adult Concerns progressing to larger enquiries (Section 42 Enquiries). It was stressed that when a concern did not progress to a larger enquiry, other activity was undertaken including signposting and/or information and advice etc. It was recognised that there was an inconsistency across different Councils in relation to determining if a Safeguarding Adult Concern should progress to a Safeguarding Adult Enquiry and work was being undertaken nationally to develop guidance to increase consistency.


Clarifications were sought in relation to human trafficking and how the matter was being addressed, particularly given the location of Hillingdon with Heathrow Airport. It was highlighted that London Borough of Hillingdon was part of the London Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking network and had identified a single point of contact for concerns related to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Children and Adult Social Care. It was recognised that the work required to raise awareness, respond and eradicate Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking required a collaborative approach across the Council.


The impact on the level of risk related to the adult was discussed and it was highlighted that while in a larger percentage of cases, the risk was removed or reduced, there were occasions when the risk remained in accordance with the adults' wishes. It was stressed that public interest, mental capacity and undue pressure were taken into account.


It was agreed that officers would confirm the data presented relating to the ethnicity of adults who were identified as potential victims of abuse or neglect/self-neglect, after reviewing the breakdown of ethnicity as detailed in the report.


It was also agreed that officers would consider how the number of criminal prosecutions relating to Safeguarding Adults Enquiries could be routinely collected.

Members thanked officers for the comprehensive report, applauded the person centred approach and welcomed the information highlighting how domestic abuse services had improved.


Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB)


The Corporate Director of Adult, Children and Young People Services and Assistant Director of Corporate Parenting were in attendance to introduce the report.


The report contained information regarding the work undertaken by the LSCB in 2018/19 and it was the last report under the current arrangements. The new arrangements would be implemented in September 2019, however, it was confirmed that in the meantime the LSCB continued to function and discharge its statutory duties.


It was confirmed that Hillingdon alongside seven other West London authorities formed a new partnership with the North West London Project in order to fulfil the new legal requirements.


A contextual overview and further details were provided about the new safeguarding arrangements including the development of partnership working between the police, CCG and Council.


It was reported that two areas remained priorities namely child neglect and preventing the criminal exploitation of children and young people. The new arrangements would be operationally focused and youth offending would be more integrated into the governance arrangements.


It was noted that there had previously been challenges in engaging with partners in a meaningful way. The new governance arrangements provided opportunities to engage senior bodies of organisations and it was reported that this added a new level of robust challenge.


The difference between contacts and referrals was explained to the Committee. It was noted that there was a range of outcomes that did not necessarily result in assessments. However, it was noted that every contact received in Hillingdon was signposted and always actioned.  This had been commended by Ofsted as part of its inspection. 


The difference between serious case reviews and learning reviews was explained to the Committee. For example, if there was a suspicious death this would result in a serious case review. The learning process included learning cascaded to all agencies involved and action /learning plans being documented.


Concerns were raised about only 43 schools responding to engagement from Council which suggested limited interest and awareness in the area of safeguarding.


Members thanked officers for the comprehensive report and for involving children who were victims of domestic violence to improve services. 


Members thanked the Independent Chairman of the LSCB, Steve Ashley, for his time and work. Members also thanked the Director of Children’s Services, Ana Popovici, and Head of Service SEND, Emily Ellington, for their services and wished them well for future endeavours.


RESOLVED: That the Safeguarding Annual Report and Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report be noted.


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