Agenda item

13A North Common Road, Uxbridge - 74738/APP/2019/1181

Erection of 5 two storey, 3-bed, attached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space, involving demolition of existing detached house (AMENDED PLANS 18/10/19).


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be deferred for a Members site visit.




Erection of 5 two storey, 3-bed, attached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space, involving demolition of existing detached house (AMENDED PLANS 18/10/19).


Officers introduced the report, highlighted the addendum and made a recommendation for approval.


Two petitions were submitted in objection of the application and both petition organisers addressed the Committee. A number of concerns were raised about the application as the site was within an area of special local character and four houses were served by the access road. It was submitted that development in areas of special local character should at least be neutral, if not, enhance its local amenity and be sympathetic to the local features. Concerns were raised about the ecological assessments, the appearance of the intended houses as it was not within keeping of already existing cottages. The proposed development would result in considerable lorry movement on a narrow access road and there would be considerable noise and vibrations as a result of this work. Conditions surveys would need to be taken by all properties affected by the vibrations and the access road was used by residents. The development of five additional properties would present a significant increase to traffic and the development did not take in account the area’s historical, ecological or social context. It was submitted that the current proposal was unsuited for the site and the Committee was asked to either refuse the application or defer it for a Member’s site visit.


In response to Member questions, it was confirmed that the access road was found to be 3.2 metres.


The agent spoke in support of the application and submitted the application was submitted on 5 April 2019 for the demolition of the existing housing construction to build six residences - 4 houses and two bungalows. This would be have been undertaken by rationalising the site and reducing the redundant pond. It was noted that the water tower decommissioned many years ago. The application had gone through several changes to achieve a balanced solution, the final scheme included five houses and the two rear bungalows initially considered had been removed. Retention of the pond of a meaningful size to add a significant water features in addition to providing sustainable water functions and habitants had been included in the application. It was submitted that this would create a perfect environment for ecology to survive. The existing service road would have new surfacing and sound proofing fence to reduce vehicle noise levels with much better access for refuse and emergency vehicles. The development also included inset road lighting for night safety and security. The nearby houses were designed in the context of the existing scale and proportion in line with the conservation officer’s comments. Further, it was submitted that the development would also offer help to buy scheme to enable young families to enjoy the properties.


Councillor Goddard, Ward Councillor for Uxbridge North addressed the Committee and submitted that the local residents were shocked at the destruction and ecology of the site. It was noted that the officers had regard to the appeal decision but submitted those properties had no overlooking concerns in comparison to the site in question. It was emphasised that the access road was approximately 2.8 metres and there was no way this could be mitigated. The destruction of infilling ponds was going to be substantial and Members were asked to reject the proposals for the scheme.


Members raised concerns regarding the access point, removing the pond, the impact on parking and ecological impact. It was decided that based on all the information put before the Committee, a site visit would be appropriate.


It was noted that the different dimensions of the access road was dependent on the length of the hedges.


A motion to defer the application for a site visit was moved, seconded and, when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application be deferred for a Members site visit.



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