Agenda item

2020/21 Integrated Performance Report


Mr Gary Collier, the Council’s Health and Social Care Integration Manager, advised that, as requested by the Board at its last meeting on 22 September 2020,  this report had combined the reporting of the delivery of the Hillingdon Health and Care Partners’ (HHCP) COVID-19 recovery plan with the Better Care Fund (BCF) delivery plan.  As the Board was happy with the structure and content of the report, this format would be used for future reports.  It was recognised that a huge amount of work had gone into this report and that the work undertaken had put Hillingdon in a good position.  It was suggested that future reports identify areas of concern and issues that needed to be resolved. 


Mr Collier advised that there was no requirement for a BCF submission during 2020/21.  However, there was still a need to get partners to confirm financial arrangements and there would therefore be a reliance on the delegations agreed by the Board at its September 2020 meeting. 


It was queried why there were no reliable data sources for the number of health and social care staff across the system who had been vaccinated for flu.  Mr Collier noted that there was no single IT system being used across social care providers to be able to monitor this information.  A system called Capacity Tracker had been developed by the NHS to track activity in care homes but providers had found it difficult to use.  There had also been issues about the reliability of the data.  The scope of Capacity has recently been extended to include homecare providers and companies delivering personal care in supported living settings.


Mr Graeme Caul, Managing Director of Goodall Division at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), advised that 83% of eligible staff had received the flu vaccination but that the campaign would continue. 


Dr Ian Goodman, Chair or Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG), advised that Ms Caroline Morison had recently moved from HCCG to HHCP and suggested that she be invited to attend future Board meetings.  HCCP provided a forum for partners to which the London Borough of Hillingdon would be closely aligned.  Ms Morison would be able to offer a system provider overview at Board meetings. 


Concern was expressed in relation to Discharge to Assess pathways and what happened to those patients in their 70s and 80s without care needs who could be sent home but who were still vulnerable and perhaps lived on their own.  It was noted that Age UK had been providing support to some of these individuals.  Mr Joe Nguyen, from HCCG, advised that care and support was available through the Discharge to Assess pathways, including support from the voluntary sector for residents without personal care needs.  Mr Caul advised that CNWL had undertaken a lot of work on discharge across the Borough and would be happy to provide a summary for a future Board meeting. 



1.    the content of the report be noted; and

2.    feedback on the content and structure of future integrated performance reports be noted.

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