Agenda item

16 Murray Road, Northwood - 4626/APP/2020/3048

Two storey rear extension and enlargement of habitable roofspace to include 2 rear dormers, 3 side rooflights, central roof lantern and alterations to elevations


Recommendation: Refusal


RESOLVED: That the application be refused.


Two storey rear extension and enlargement of habitable roofspace to include 2 rear dormers, 3 side rooflights, central roof lantern and alterations to elevations.


Officers introduced the report and advised Members that 7 responses to public consultations and a petition in objection to the application had been received. The Committee heard that the original property had previously been extended to the rear to include a 4.25m deep single storey extension and a 5.5m deep two storey flat roofed extension. The proposal would incorporate these and further extend to the rear, giving a two-storey rear extension of between 2.3m and 9.85m in depth. A further flat roofed ground floor extension of 4.5m in depth and 3.35m in height was proposed.


Members were informed that the Conservation Officer had raised strong objections to the proposal indicating that the proposed rear additions would be disproportionately large in relation to the original house. The development would fail to enhance the appearance of Northwood Town Centre Conservation Area.


A written submission was read to the Committee on behalf of petitioners objecting to the application. Key points highlighted included:


·       The proposal would create an excessively large extension with a massive 70% increase in internal floor area;

·       The design was simplistic, overwhelming, out-of-place, insensitive to its setting and an over-development with an excessively large extension;

·       The development would result in a 3-storey house that lent itself to subdivision into flats or an HMO;

·       The excessive bulk, depth and height would impact negatively on the gap views between numbers 16, 18 and 18A;

·       The proposed 3-storey development would have an adverse impact on adjacent properties and would contravene Hillingdon Policies DMH1 and DMHB11;

·       The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of 14, 18 and 18A in terms of overdominance, loss of light and outlook;

·       The application failed to meet the standards set out in Hillingdon Council’s Conservation Areas policy;

·       Extensive habitable accommodation was proposed at 3rd floor roof level – to comply with structural and thermal insulation requirements, the existing roof would need to be demolished or substantially re-configured which would change the character of the original building;

·       There was no Design and Access Statement which was unacceptable;

·       Trees or hedges would need to be removed or pruned which would be detrimental to established wildlife;

·       The proposal did not respect the property’s original plan of the house therefore did not accord with Hillingdon’s planning policies;

·       The proposed 3-storey extension would be overly large and incongruous and would be an intrusive addition to the property;

·       The design failed to respect and harmonise with the architectural character of the original dwelling, the group of 3 houses of which it formed part, the street scene and the wider Northwood Town Conservation Area.


Members agreed that the proposal constituted an unacceptable over-development of the site. The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, agreed with 6 votes in favour of refusing the application. Councillor Melvin had declared an interest therefore did not vote on this item and Councillor Yarrow had been unable to access the meeting at this point.


RESOLVED: That the application be refused.

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