Agenda item

Committee Review: Making the Council more autism-friendly: Draft Report


The Chairman introduced the item noting that a draft report with recommendations had been prepared and was being presented to the Committee to endorse its submission to Cabinet. Members had discussed the findings that they wished to form the basis of the report at the 19 January 2021 meeting and were now able to make amendments as they see fit.


It was highlighted that recommendation two drew attention to the embedding of autism awareness training into the new starter induction and structured ongoing learning and development programme for key front-line staff who would, by the nature of their roles, be likely to interact with autistic residents.


With regard to recommendation three, it was noted that recommendation had been pitched towards exploring the feasibility of improving online accessibility for residents with autism by providing further access to, and information about, Council autism services on the Council’s website. Members noted the challenges in harmonising a one door approach to autism services when a number of different bodies, including the Council, the NHS and local charities, provided services to that regard. Further to this it was highlighted that the Better Care Fund had a specific workstream around the integration of care and support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. The Committee were minded to include in their work programme, a report pertaining to this strand of the Better Care Fund and how access to services is made less restrictive for residents with autism.


An alteration to the narrative of recommendation eight was suggested. Although the Committee emphasised the tremendous work that Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support do in the Borough, to allow for a more holistic and encompassing recommendation, the Committee sought to recognise the work of all organisations providing services to residents with autism in the Borough. The following re-wording of recommendation eight was proposed:


That Cabinet recognises all the Council’s strong partnership relationships with organisations and providers supporting people with autism in Hillingdon.”


The Committee were supportive of the amendment to recommendation eight.


Upon the matter of Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) and Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), it was noted that the scope of the review pertained to the way in which residents with autism access and interact with public facing Council services and not necessarily the statutory service provision for residents with autism. The Chairman also highlighted that the Head of SEND would be sharing a positive update with Members shortly in relation to assessments and accessibility of EHCPs. The Committee were minded to add to the work programme an item regarding the improvement of assessment and accessibility to EHCPs for children with learning disabilities and/or autism.


Concerns were raised as to the accessibility of applying for the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP); it was noted that Members felt a Council advisor, on hand to assist individuals with applying for the DLA, would be a valuable asset to the Borough’s residents with disabilities. It was noted that the matter could be explored either as a one off standing item or outside of the Committee environment as the scope was broader than the autism focussed nature of the current review.


Members were minded to add to the report, reference to a Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) report released shortly before the commencement of the review, in which the LGO found the Council to be at fault for not providing the reasonable adjustments required for a resident with autism when accessing a Council service. Members found the report to highlight the pertinence of the review and that it should be referenced within the Committee’s final report to Cabinet. The Democratic Services Officer agreed to draft some wording to be included in the report, which could then be signed off by the Chairman and Opposition Lead.


RESOLVED That the Social Care, Housing and Public Health Policy Overview Committee:


1)    Agreed the change to the wording for recommendation eight;

2)    Agreed that reference be included in the report to the 2019 Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman report, the wording of which was to be drafted by the Democratic Services Officer in consultation with the Chairman and Opposition Lead as required;

3)    Delegated any minor drafting changes required prior to the report’s submission to Cabinet to the Democratic Services Officer, in consultation with the Chairman and Opposition Lead as required;

4)    Agreed the final report and recommendations in principle and endorsed its submission to Cabinet for due consideration.

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