Agenda item
Vine Lane, Uxbridge - Petition Requesting A Zebra Crossing And Traffic Calming Measures
The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting the traffic calming measures in Vine Lane including the installation of a zebra crossing and speed bumps. A representative from the petition was in attendance and made the following points:
· Concerns were raised about safety of pedestrians given the heavy traffic flow in Vine Lane.
· Due to the speed of vehicles, it was difficult to make safe vehicle turns at the junctions of Sylvana Close and Chestwood Grove.
· The existing chicanes had limited use in calming traffic as when there was no oncoming traffic, drivers tended to drive in the middle of the road to avoid speed bumps.
· Residents requested speed bumps so that it would encourage drivers to slow down.
· There was no proper footpath for pedestrians which was particularly concerning for children that attended local schools. It was emphasised that there was a need to increase the safety for children and adults when crossing the road.
· Residents requested additional signage as vehicles travelled too fast.
· There had been a number of near miss accidents and action needed to be taken to avoid any serious incidents.
· Representatives of the Council that had visited the area in question had also agreed that vehicles were travelling too fast.
Councillor Ray Graham attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the petition. Councillor Graham supported the points raised by the petitioner and added that traffic towards Sylvana Close exceeded speed limits. A traffic calming pillow or wide speed bump was requested to manage the traffic flow. As there were blind corners on Vine Lane, there needed to be some signage to warn people. It was accepted that there would be difficulties in installing a zebra crossing due to the lack of pedestrian ways on either side, Nonetheless, there was a great need to provide safety given the close vicinity of schools and increase of traffic.
The Head of Transport and Town Centre Projects and the Traffic, Parking, Road Safety and School Travel Team Manager considered that it would be sensible to include warning signage as an integrated part of the scheme to address concerns. A consultation had taken place and the results from that needed to be analysed. The consultation process was explained, and it was acknowledged that based on the investigations thus far, it was clear that there was some support for measures to be put in place. It was noted that due to drainage issues, lack of footways and the nature of Vine Lane road, there were challenges on what could realistically be achieved. A zebra crossing may unfortunately not be viable on technical grounds; however a crossing point at St Andrews would be reviewed.
Councillor Riley listened to the concerns of the petition organiser and was keen to mitigate the issues raised. It was questioned whether an additional footway could be installed and officers confirmed that this was impossible due to the frontages and width of Vine Lane. It was noted that the nature and construction of the road presented challenges however speed cushions could slow the traffic. In order to install a zebra crossing particular national design standards and regulations had to be met. The present financial constraints involved with funding from TFL were noted. Cllr Riley requested that officers consider the points raised and suggest traffic calming measures that could be put in place to resolve the issues raised.
Meeting with the Petitioners, the Cabinet Member for Public Safety and Transport
1. Met and discussed with petitioners their request for a Zebra Crossing and “speed bumps” in Vine Lane, Uxbridge;
2. Noted the previous investigations undertaken by the specialist transport planning consultant employed by the developer of St Andrew’s Park in relation to a possible zebra crossing on Vine Lane;
3. Noted the informal consultation recently undertaken by the Council on possible additional traffic calming measures for Vine Lane between Blossom Way and St Andrews Road;
4. Discussed with petitioners what further action should be considered to address residents’ concerns.
Reasons for decisions
The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners on their concerns and suggestions.
Alternative options considered / risk management
None at this stage.
Supporting documents:
210602 - Vine Lane, Uxbridge, item 9.
Appendix A - Vine Lane location plan, item 9.
PDF 308 KB
Appendix B - Vine Lane - cushions 2021, item 9.
PDF 350 KB