Agenda item

Strategic Climate Action Plan Consultation


David Haygarth, Climate Action Manager, introduced a report detailing the Council’s draft Strategic Climate Action Plan, as part of the consultation process prior to its formal submission for adoption by Cabinet in July 2021.


The Committee was advised that the Council had made three corporate commitments as part of the Plan:


1.    To lead and inspire the Borough’s residents, businesses and schools to reduce their own carbon emissions;

2.    To become carbon neutral by 2030; and

3.    To achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s services by 2030.


It was confirmed that commitment 2 applied to public access buildings and sites where the Council paid for the energy supplies, together with the Council’s vehicles and highways assets such as streetlighting and car parks.


To achieve commitment 3, the Council was adopting a carbon neutral approach including a reduction in the use of fossil fuels, the purchase of green energy, and carbon offsetting measures.


Figures demonstrating the Council’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions through the purchasing of green energy and fuel were highlighted, which showed a 42% reduction in emissions since 2009. Regarding green fuel, this was confirmed to be fuel that contained less carbon than previously purchased fuel.


In response to questioning from Members, it was confirmed that the consultation had included distribution to a variety of stakeholders, via the Council’s website, social media channels, and by mail. The 100+ responses received had included feedback that would be useful in drafting detailed actions moving forward. It was agreed that officers would provide Members with a summary of the actions taken as part of the consultation process.


Members highlighted that the report had omitted the circa 5,000 trees planted at Field End Recreational Ground. Officers advised that this would be amended for the final report.


Members referred to questions submitted at the now retired Corporate Services, Commerce and Communities Policy Overview Committee, and officers confirmed that answers were still being sought. Once available, the additional information would be passed to Members.


Members requested that detail on energy saving measures identified at the Borough’s libraries, together with detail on how the Council was updating its fleet of vehicles (for example, to include electric vehicles), be shared following the meeting.


Regarding flood mitigation to address rising waters due to climate change, it was agreed that the clerk would seek further detail form the Council’s Flood Water Management officers before feeding back to the Committee.


Following discussion, it was agreed that the following be submitted as the Committee’s comments to Cabinet as part of the consultation process:


The Committee support the measures outlined within the proposed Action Plan to address climate change through the reduction of the Council’s carbon footprint. The Committee notes the actions previously taken that have resulted in significantly reduced  emissions, and is eager to see further successes as a result of the Plan’s approval and implementation.




1.    That the report be noted;

2.    That the additional information requested above be forwarded to the Committee following the meeting, and;

3.    That the above comments be included in the forthcoming report to Cabinet.


Supporting documents: