Agenda item

Harefied Road, Uxbridge - 16299/APP/2020/3313

RE-CONSULTATION ON AMENDED PLANS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR: Comprehensive redevelopment of the site comprising demolition of existing buildings to provide residential care accommodation (Use Class C2) with ancillary uses and commercial unit at ground floor level (Use Class E) in buildings up to 7 storeys with car parking, landscaping and associated works.


Detailed Description: 182 units, together with integrated nursing care and associated communal and support services including ancillary communal, care and well-being facilities including a restaurant, cafe/bar and wellness centre/gym and a commercial unit.


Recommendation: Approval + S106




1)    That the application be approved;


2)    That an amendment be made to condition 4 to include reference to the C2 use class;


3)    That an amendment be made to condition 24 to prevent delivery and servicing on Sundays and Bank Holidays, and that delivery and servicing shall not take place between 22:00 and 07:00 on Mondays to Saturdays;


4)    That an amendment be made to condition 29 to make reference to refuse collection, specifically the prevention of refuse and waste being left on Harefield Road;


5)    That the Head of Planning be delegated authority to review condition 15 to make reference to incorporated design changes to mitigate overheating issues for occupiers during severe hot weather;


6)    That an amendment be made to condition 7 making reference to setbacks for the podium decks; and


7)    That the Head of Planning be delegated authority to word a new condition regarding automatic switch-off lighting within communal spaces.


RE-CONSULTATION ON AMENDED PLANS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR: Comprehensive redevelopment of the site comprising demolition of existing buildings to provide residential care accommodation (Use Class C2) with ancillary uses and commercial unit at ground floor level (Use Class E) in buildings up to 7 storeys with car parking, landscaping and associated works.


Detailed Description: 182 units, together with integrated nursing care and associated communal and support services including ancillary communal, care and well-being facilities including a restaurant, cafe/bar and wellness centre/gym and a commercial unit.


Officers introduced the application and delivered a detailed presentation outlining the proposals. It was noted that, a number of years ago, the site had a previous application refused due to its scale, officers felt that they had now negotiated a scheme that was of an appropriate scale for the town-centre site and was not just an acceptable scheme but a good scheme. Officers made some verbal amendments to the proposed conditions; that an amendment be made to condition 4 to include reference to the C2 use class and that a new condition be added regarding automatic switch-off lighting within communal spaces.


Officers made further comments addressing the Committee’s concerns around the impact on Council and NHS budgets and local health and social care partners; it was noted that, although the matter was not a material planning consideration, the development would be meeting a growing demand for specialised care for the elderly and that the NHS Healthy Urban Development Unit’s Planning Obligations Model had been used to assess the cost of mitigating the direct impacts of the proposed development on the local health infrastructure. The sum that had been calculated for the healthcare contribution was £900,229.


Members referred to the servicing and delivery times and agreed that condition 24 should be amended to prevent delivery and servicing on Sundays and Bank Holidays, and that delivery and servicing shall not take place between 22:00 and 07:00 on Mondays to Saturdays. With regard to refuse and waste collection, Members sought to ensure that residents would not leave refuse and waste on Harefield Road rather than taking their refuse to the appropriate waste collection points, it was agreed that condition 29 could be amended to make reference to this.


The Committee were minded to ensure that any podium level decks had appropriate setbacks to ensure that, in the event of unusually high winds or any objects falling over the edge of the podium level garden, passers by at ground level would be safe. It was agreed that condition 7 could be amended to make reference to this.


Members sought to also incorporate into the design of the building measures to mitigate overheating issues for occupiers during severe hot weather, this was highlighted as a specific concern given the demographic of residents who would be occupying the building. Concerns were raised over air quality and the use of a diesel fuel emergency generator considering the site was within the Uxbridge focus area; officers informed the Committee that the developers had been asked to explore alternatives to the diesel generator but it was highlighted that the only reason for the generator was to provide emergency life support should the systems in place fail, it would not be used otherwise.


The officer’s recommendation, including the discussed amendments, was moved, seconded and when put to a vote, agreed with four Members voting in favour and one abstention.




1)             That the application be approved;


2)             That an amendment be made to condition 4 to include reference to the C2 use class;


3)             That an amendment be made to condition 24 to prevent delivery and servicing on Sundays and Bank Holidays, and that delivery and servicing shall not take place between 22:00 and 07:00 on Mondays to Saturdays;


4)             That an amendment be made to condition 29 to make reference to refuse collection, specifically the prevention of refuse and waste being left on Harefield Road;


5)             That the Head of Planning be delegated authority to review condition 15 to make reference to incorporated design changes to mitigate overheating issues for occupiers during severe hot weather;


6)             That an amendment be made to condition 7 making reference to setbacks for the podium decks; and


7)             That the Head of Planning be delegated authority to word a new condition regarding automatic switch-off lighting within communal spaces.


Supporting documents: