Agenda item

Administration Report


James Lake, Head of Finance – Statutory Accounting and Pension Fund, introduced the item highlighting that, at the time of the meeting, administration services had been with Hampshire County Council (HCC) for two months. In that time, it was noted that the service delivered had been positive and at the time of the meeting, member sign up to the new online portal had reached over 52% of the previous administrator’s closing figure. It was also specifically highlighted that HCC had achieved 100% across all key performance indicators (KPI’s) in their first set of indicators. Members were encouraged by the administration report and commended officers at both Hillingdon and HCC for their work on the successful transition of administration services.


By way of clarification, the Committee were also informed that each year a data quality score was required to be submitted to the Pensions Regulator; this year, both the common and conditional scores were significantly down on previous years. This was attributed to the Data Analysis Reporting Tool (DART) used by HCC. The tool was more thorough than that used by the previous administrators and looked at more areas, as a result it detected more errors. A planned data cleansing project was to be developed and implemented throughout 2022 which was expected to improve the next year’s data quality score. The Committee noted that there was an extensive programme of data cleansing ahead and sought some brief information on the project and expected timetables. Andy Lowe, of HCC, informed Members that HCC ‘s own common and conditional data quality scores were at 96% and that the Committee could expect to see Hillingdon’s scores move towards HCC’s levels going forward; although it was understood that a timescale for Hillingdon’s scores to reach that of HCC’s would be difficult to predict. Officers confirmed that they did not expect to see any concerns raised by the Pensions Regulator based on Hillingdon’s 2021 data quality scores due to the use of the DART and it was reinforced that the regulator would be encouraged to see the 2022 scores moving in a positive direction, which was expected.


Members were also informed that the historical work handed to HCC from the previous administrators, including work around unprocessed leavers, would be handled by a separate team to the day-to-day administration services provided by HCC. Data analysis work would begin in January 2022 and would inform the priority actions for the data cleansing project throughout 2022. It was also noted that a representative from HCC would be happy to attend future Pensions Committee meetings in person where this was requested.


The Committee noted that a small number of glitches had occurred on the first pay run under HCC in October and sought clarification that no such glitches had occurred in the November pay run. HCC confirmed that the minor glitches in the first pay run were quickly resolved and no such glitches had occurred in November’s pay run.


Members noted that the administration report provided by HCC was comprehensive and the summary of correspondence provided was highlighted as being particularly useful for Members.


RESOLVED: That the Pensions Committee noted the administration report.

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