Proposed Change of Use from B2 to Sui Generis use for van sales and external display, van repair workshop with MOT Facilities, parts storage and distribution centre, new and used vehicle PDI Centre and installation of new car wash building, including associated internal and external alterations to front and side elevations to form new vehicle access doors and alterations to the car parking layout and installation of security fencing.
Recommendations: Approval
RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the additional condition stated in the addendum and the following:
1) An informative be added advising the applicant to contact the Environment Agency to establish whether there is a need for an oil interceptor or separator;
2) An informative be added relating to condition 7 to encourage delivery of vehicles by trailer to minimise vehicle movements;
3) That delegated authority be granted to officers to word an informative related to sustainable urban drainage and the impact of the premises on the canal.
Officers introduced the application and highlighted that the proposed change of use from class B2 to Sui Generis was to accommodate a multitude of uses which were all industrial in nature. Officers had negotiated with the applicant regarding the provision of car parking and Members attention was drawn to the additional condition proposed within the addendum ensuring adequate parking and loading facilities were provided on site. By way of verbal update, the Committee were informed of an objection from a local resident regarding the potential for petrol and oil to emanate from the site, it was proposed that an informative be added advising the applicant to contact the Environment Agency to establish whether there is a need for an oil interceptor or separator. The application was recommended for approval.
Members discussed the possibility of conditioning the need for an oil interceptor or separator rather than having it as an informative. Officers highlighted that the Environment Agency were experts to that affect and would be best placed to advise the applicant on appropriate measures. If the Local Planning Authority were to impose a particular solution, it may not be entirely suitable; therefore, it was established that an informative was the most appropriate course of action. The Committee also raised concerns regarding the prospect of contaminated wastewater running into the canal adjacent to the site; Members were minded to strengthen the informative by referencing the possible impact on the canal.
The Committee sought clarification over the availability of parking for the no more than 22 staff who would be on site at any one time. It was confirmed that there would be 18 staff parking spaces, this had increased significantly from 6 when the application was initially received. The applicant would also be required to submit a Travel Plan and Travel Plan bond ensuring that the Travel Plan is delivered. Members went on to query the effectiveness of Travel Plan bonds and highlighted that this could be an issue further scrutinised by a Select Committee.
With regard to proposed condition 7, Members discussed whether it could be conditioned that delivery of vehicles was made by trailer to aid in preserving the highway. It was highlighted that conditioning the way in which vehicles were delivered could be onerous upon the business, Members agreed that delivery by trailer could be encouraged by way of an additional informative.
The officer’s recommendation, inclusive of the addendum and suggestions for additions and amendments as outlined, was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the additional condition stated in the addendum and the following:
1) That delegated authority be granted to officers to word an informative advising the applicant to contact the Environment Agency to establish whether there is a need for an oil interceptor or separator. The informative was also to reference sustainable urban drainage and the impact of the premises on the canal; and,
2) An informative be added relating to condition 7 to encourage delivery of vehicles by trailer to minimise vehicle movements.
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