Agenda item

Woodlands Park Landfill Site (Out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council) - 39707/APP/2021/4456

Out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council: Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for principal points of access for the redevelopment of the former landfill site to comprise a data centre development (B8 (Data Centre)) of up to 163,000 sqm (GEA) delivered across 3 buildings. The scheme includes site wide landscaping and the creation of Parkland. The data centre buildings include ancillary offices, internal plant and equipment and emergency back-up generators and associated fuel storage. The development may also include cycle and car parking, internal circulation routes, soft and hard landscaping, security perimeter fence, lighting, earthworks, District Heating Network, sustainable drainage systems, ancillary infrastructure and a substation.


Recommendation: Objection


Officers introduced the item as an out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council in relation to a proposed data centre development at the Woodlands Park Landfill site. Members attention was drawn to the addendum which outlined additional comments received by the air quality officer regarding issues associated with the proposed diesel powered backup generators and the impact they would have on Hillingdon residents. Officers therefore proposed a third objection be raised with regard to air quality matters with the aim being that Buckinghamshire County Council would be encouraged to negotiate alternative cleaner technologies with the developer.


Officers also noted that correspondence had been received from the agent for the application suggesting that they thought officers had not appropriately considered the district heat network aspect of the proposal in their broader considerations and recommendations to the Committee. With regard to this, officers highlighted page four of the addendum outlining that, whilst it was not specifically referenced in the Committee report, officers had considered these matters in forming their recommendation and concluded that the district heating network aspect did not outweigh the harm of the development, and that the recommendation to object to the proposals remained. Officers went on to highlight the Green Belt and Design factors stated in the report as reasons for recommending that the Committee object to the proposals.


Councillor Keith Burrows, Ward Councillor Uxbridge South, was present for this item and addressed the Committee; key points raised included:


  • Due to the size and scale of the proposals located on Green Belt land immediately adjacent to Uxbridge South Ward, the development would have a significant impact upon residents in the Ward;
  • If approved by Buckinghamshire County Council, the development would set a precedent for other proposals on Green Belt land across London and the home counties;
  • The development would be likely to increase traffic flow through Hillingdon, adding to air pollution associated with the site;
  • The Committee were encouraged to agree with the officer’s recommendations and formally object to the proposals.


Officers highlighted that the potential Section 106 receipts noted on page three of the addendum were significant, however as the determining authority, Buckinghamshire County Council would be entitled to the costs. It was noted that, should Buckinghamshire’s recommendation be in favour of the proposals, Hillingdon would seek to negotiate a quantum of the money received due to the impact on Hillingdon residents. It would not be immediately clear how the money could be used to alleviate harm caused to residents if the development were to go ahead. Members and officers were in agreement that the harm caused to Hillingdon residents was sufficient to outright object to the proposals, although the Committee sought to add an informative noting that, should Buckinghamshire’s recommendation be in favour of the development, Hillingdon would request to be included in any discussions around air quality contributions.


Members concurred with officers’ recommendation to object to the proposals and discussed whether noise emanating from the backup generators could be added as a further reason for objection. Officers highlighted that the site was deemed to be too far from residents’ homes for the noise from backup generators to be considered a valid reason for objection; it was also noted that the backup generators would be tested once a month and, in the event of a power cut, would run temporarily until the power was restored to the site.


The officer’s recommendation, inclusive of the additional informative discussed, was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.




1)    That the Council raise an objection to the proposed development; and


2)    That an informative be added requesting that the London Borough of Hillingdon be included in discussions around air quality contributions should Buckinghamshire’s determination be in favour of the application.

Supporting documents: