The Corporate Director for Central Services and the School Place Planning Project Manager introduced the report and provided an overview of the latest quarterly update on school places.
It was reported that primary rolls were still experiencing some movement. The January 2022 census analysis had not been not yet completed. All resident pupils including 105 with Education Health Care Plans had been offered a place. Around half of primary schools continued to be full and many of the others had empty places in classes, but a few faced a greater decline in rolls and in the September 2022 intake.
Demand was still rising for specialist places for pupils with Education Health Care Plans. It was reported that plans and delivery were underway to expand special schools and now a further programme of new places had been prepared as a key part of the Council’s DSG Recovery Programme, and a bid for further capital had been submitted to the Department for Education.
During Member discussions, it was noted the number of unprecedented in year applications occurred during August 2021 until October 2021, and then slowed down. Although the Council received the highest number yet of Year 7 secondary schools applications for September 2022, all pupils were made an offer on National Offer Day. The120 pupils that applied after the October 2021 deadline were sent offers more recently.
In terms of the DSG safety valve process, it was clarified that the LA had made a capital bid for around 22 million pounds and a new special free school, this was in addition to the revenue element of the safety valve agreement.
In was noted that the Department for Education was involved in the process of identifying suitable locations for free schools and these needed to be delivered by academy trusts. The costs in the rise of construction delivery were also noted. It was clarified that ‘alignment’ was related to new staff posts being created and a dedicated board to deliver the programme and govern the process. Support was also being offered around early intervention in school place planning.
Concerns were raised regarding pressures of school places in the south of the Borough with many pupils choosing to travel to the north of the Borough. Concerns were also noted in relation to 230 pupils not receiving one of their preferences. It was questioned why the new school was being developed in the north of the Borough and it was explained that many factors needed to be taken into account such as parental preference. When it was bid for, the greatest demand was in the north of the Borough but there had been difficulties in identifying a suitable location in the north and so also the south had been searched for a site large enough, with no success.
Officers agreed to provide the January 2022 census data by school when it was ready and a breakdown of where the pupils lived who did not receive an offer of one of their preferences.
The Committee commended officers for their work in this challenging area.
The Schools Place Planning Project Manager was thanked for their work and wished well for the future.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the update and actions underway to support parents and schools and questioned officers about the update.
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