The Cabinet Member welcomed all who were present to the hearing and briefly ran through the petition hearing process noting that he had received the petition and considered the officer report in the agenda; further to this he introduced himself and the officers present.
The petition organiser was present and addressed the Cabinet Member. Within their address, the petition organiser highlighted a number reasons for raising the petition, these points included:
The Cabinet Member requested some clarifications from officers with regard to the organisations and individuals consulted with as part of the consultation which took place ahead of the implementation of the current PSPO. It was noted that PSPOs were introduced on a rolling three-year period and a public consultation took place before any new PSPO was adopted, officers were satisfied that all legal requirements for the consultation had been followed and agreed to seek the information requested regarding the specific consultees and feed this back to the Cabinet Member.
It was noted that the Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment was a requirement under the Equalities Act 2010. Although the petitioner organiser’s comments about the lack of consideration given to driving instructors as a group in the Equalities Assessment were understood, it was highlighted that the Equalities Assessment pertained solely to those groups specifically protected under the Act and driving instructors as a group would not come under one of the protected groups.
The Cabinet Member queried whether the PSPO could be more prescriptive in that it could be applied to specific Council owned car parks. Officers noted that the PSPO currently applied to all Council owned car parks but there was the ability to conduct a review of the PSPO which could lead to a more prescribed approach for the implementation of the PSPO to specific locations. Should this be the case, it was noted that communication of this would primarily be through signage in the areas affected but also through public consultation. The Cabinet Member appreciated that a more prescriptive approach was a potential option, however also noted that the numerous car parks owned by the Council experienced varying demand on a weekly, seasonal and annual basis and the matter of prescribing which car parks could be exempt from the PSPO was a complex one.
Officers noted that the consultation for the 2023 PSPO would begin in the Spring or Summer of 2023 and that driving instructors could form part of that consultation in some form; the PSPO 2023 was due for implementation in October 2023. The Cabinet Member agreed to take away the possibility of bringing forward the consultation, and potentially the implementation, of the PSPO 2023; however, also noted that if it was decided that this timeframe would be brought forward, it would be at the expense of other projects and could therefore not commit to changing the timeframe at the petition hearing.
The petition organiser queried whether the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices for the offence of instructing learner drivers in Council owned car parks could be stopped before the implementation of a new PSPO. It was highlighted that all offences under the current PSPO, which would apply until the implementation of a new PSPO, were zero tolerance and therefore Fixed Penalty Notices would still be issued.
RESOLVED That the Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services:
1) Met with petitioners and listened to their request for an amendment to the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2020 with regard to the prohibition of the use of public car park spaces for the purpose of instructing learner drivers; and
2) Instructed Officers to explore options for bringing forward the public consultation and implementation process for the new PSPO 2023.
Supporting documents: