Change of use of former residential school (Use Class C2) to education facility (Use Class F.1), two storey extension to provide additional teaching space, construction of a Multi-Use Games Area, revised vehicular access, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and associated works.
Recommendation: Approval + Section 106
RESOLVED: That the application be approved.
Change of use of former residential school (Use Class C2) to education facility (Use Class F.1), two storey extension to provide additional teaching space, construction of a Multi-Use Games Area, revised vehicular access, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and associated works.
Officers introduced the item and gave an overview of the application. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which proposed to amend the wording of a number of conditions as required by the Greater London Authority. There were also a number of verbal updates to the proposed conditions following officers’ discussions with Transport for London, these included:
Officers highlighted in their presentation that the proposals were deemed not to have a significant visual impact as the development was screened on three sides by existing school buildings and vegetation, and sat within the silhouette of existing school buildings. The proposal was considered appropriate development and was grounded in the provision of much needed additional SEND school places, the application was recommended for approval subject to the proposed planning conditions, a Section 106 agreement and a Stage 2 Mayoral referral.
The Committee highlighted that Northwood Road was an especially busy road during school pick up and drop off times and sought to ensure that driver sight lines weren’t blocked by the bus stop, telephone pole and greenery situated at the exit onto Northwood Road. Officers confirmed that the proposals adhered to all sight line requirements.
Members sought to ensure that appropriate measures were taken during construction to ensure the road was kept clean and free of construction debris and dirt; additionally, that due consideration was given to minimising disruption to students during the school’s operational hours. Officers confirmed that condition 4, with regard to the construction management and logistics plan, could be amended to include details regarding wheel washing of construction vehicles leaving the site and consideration of school hours and student safety, although it was noted that general construction codes of practice would address working hours and public safety.
The Committee noted that the application was on green belt land, however it was deemed that the purpose of providing additional SEND school places was an appropriate use of this land. The officer’s recommendation, inclusive of the additional amendments to conditions discussed, the verbal updates from officers and the amendments highlighted in the addendum, was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.
1) That the application be approved;
2) That condition 8 be updated to include 5 additional cycle spaces for students and to secure a ‘Wayfinding Strategy’ to signpost site visitors entering and exiting the site;
3) That condition 16 be amended to include cycle management and maintenance details;
4) That a new condition be included to provide a full road safety audit of the new eastern vehicular access point; and
5) That condition 4 be amended to include reference to measures to help keep the roadway free of construction debris and to ensure adequate consideration of school operating hours.
Supporting documents: