Request for approval of Plans and Specifications and Site Restoration under condition imposed by Schedule 17 to the High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017, relating to the proposed development of a site 421,592m2 for the disposal of waste material arising from HS2 works to form 2 no. landforms (i.e. north and south mound), fencing (location only), associated drainage in the form of a drainage basin, and landscape restoration planting in the form of woodland, hedgerow and grassland
Recommendations: Approval
RESOLVED: That the application, inclusive an additional informative relating to the planting of trees, be approved.
Officers introduced the application, which sought approval for the disposal of waste material arising from HS2 works, to form two landforms, a drainage basin, the erection of fencing, and landscape restoration planting in the form of woodland, hedgerow and grassland.
The Committee was advised of the in effect, three approvals were being sought: 1. the method of disposal; 2. restoration; and 3. alignment of the fence. The proposed methods of disposal were set out as per the report. The proposed Scheme of Restoration was considered to be appropriate, though a condition relating to HS2 making ‘best endeavours’ to find alternative siting of woodland was felt to be necessary. There were no issues regarding the proposed alignment of the fence. Accordingly, the application was recommended for approval. Members were asked to note that the typographical error in part (2) of the condition would be amended to remove 'under'.
Officers highlighted that a significant archaeological find had been located on the site, which remained under consideration as a potential ‘National Treasure’.
The Legal Advisor invited the Committee to consider, when making their decision, whether there was sufficiency of information on which to make a decision. It was also confirmed that ‘best endeavours’, as set out in the proposed condition, was an accepted legal term.
The Committee sought further information on the siting of new trees, impact on tree survivability, the impact of the proposal on farmland, and the archaeological find.
Officers advised that trees were to be planted to mitigate the impact of the work, with planting dependant on the impact of works on the specific area. In relation to trees in water run-off areas, drainage had been considered to ensure their survival. Mature trees were already present on the site, and it was incumbent on HS2 to ensure their survival. On the matter of the farmland, the landowner had been consulted and was satisfied that there would be sufficient space retained for cattle and crops.
With regard to the archaeological find, it was confirmed that if it had not been found on Council land, then the landowner and the finder would split any financial benefit. If not deemed a National Treasure, then Hillingdon could potentially acquire the treasure for retention within the borough. Legal advice would be provided following a ruling by the Coroner.
In response to a query on site operating times, and subsequent noise impact on nearby residents, officers set out the proposal hours of operation and confirmed that noise had been conditioned as part of a separate application.
Regarding siting of the fence, and its impact on nearby residents, officers advised that shielding trees and vegetation would be submitted for approval through separate applications.
The Committee supported the officer’s recommendation, though sought the addition of an informative requiring HS2 to consult with the Council on the planting of trees.
The officer’s recommendation, inclusive of the informative above, and amendment of the typographical error in the condition, was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.
RESOLVED: That the application, inclusive an additional informative relating to the planting of trees ,and amendment of the typographical error in the condition, be approved.
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