Agenda item

Paddington Packet Boat Public House - 1058/APP/2021/3423

Demolition of the public house (Sui Generis) and erection of a part-three, four and five-storey, purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) comprising 61 studio rooms, and associated common areas and facilities, landscaping, amenity space, bicycle and motorcycle parking, and refuse storage.


Recommendations: Approval + Section 106


RESOLVED: That the application be approved.


Demolition of the public house (Sui Generis) and erection of purpose-built student accommodation (Sui Generis) and associated common areas and facilities, landscaping, amenity space, bicycle and motorcycle parking, and refuse storage.


Officers introduced the application noting that the current building was deteriorating and had been vacant since 2018, the building was becoming increasingly dilapidated. The proposals would meet a local need for student accommodation, and it was deemed that student accommodation was an appropriate use of the site. A major benefit of the proposals was that they would provide affordable accommodation, affixing rental prices and allowing a diverse range of people to attend university. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which featured amendments to section two and paragraph 14 of section 7.07 of the officer report. The application was recommended for approval subject to the planning conditions highlighted in the report.


Officers informed the Committee that a 2019 request to have the existing building locally listed was unsuccessful, due to the deterioration of the building, it was no longer proposed for locally listed status.


The Committee were generally supportive of the application although noted that it was a shame to see the loss of a unique public house building with sentimental community value, however it was understood that, due to the dilapidated nature of the building and the lack of market interest, there was no realistic prospect of the building being used in future as a public house again.


Members raised concerns regarding the potential for excessive noise emanating from the amenity area should the students on site host parties. Officers mentioned that the requirement for a management plan could be imposed in an effort to ensure neighbouring residents were not negatively impacted by the use of the proposed amenity space.


The Committee discussed the on site motorcycle parking availability of three spaces and suggested that this may be better served by local cycle hire bicycles which were frequently used by students at Brunel University. Officers noted that the scheme had a policy compliant level of cycle parking on site and that, should there be a need for less motorcycle and more bicycle parking, this could be reviewed through the car park management plan. There was also a limited need for a cycle hire docking station due to the proximity between the site and Brunel University.


Officers clarified that the application was for purpose built student accommodation and therefore any future change of use would not be permissible unless granted by the local planning authority.


The Committee raised concerns regarding the pick up and drop off of students at the start and end of the academic year and that, with 61 occupants and limited parking availability, this could cause an unprecedented level of congestion should students be dropped off and picked up at similar times. Officers highlighted that the pick up and drop off of students would be controlled so as to minimise congestion at the start and end of semesters. In addition to this, a contribution would be received from the developer for a prospective parking management scheme, should there be resident appetite for such a scheme.


The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per the officer’s recommendation.

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