Agenda item

Tormead, 27 Dene Road, Northwood - 9043/APP/2022/2490

Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with up to 2.5 storey extension to main building to provide 4 self-contained flats and redevelopment of existing coach house building to provide 1 maisonette unit with associated parking, cycle and bin storage, and landscape works.


Recommendation: Approval




1.    That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Service Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, to tweak the conditions in relation to landscaping to ensure verdancy and the condition regarding materials to ensure permeability; and

2.    That the application be approved.


Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with up to 2.5 Storey extension to main building to provide 4 self-contained flats and redevelopment of existing coach house building to provide 1 maisonette unit with associated parking, cycle and bin storage, and landscape works.


Officers introduced the application and highlighted the additional information set out in the addendum. It was considered that the proposed development would not harm the character and appearance of the area and would not unduly impact the living conditions of neighbouring properties. The proposal would provide 16 car parking spaces, seven of which would be allocated to the existing flats at the site. The application was recommended for approval.


A petition had been submitted in objection to the application. The Lead Petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Committee highlighting the following points:


·       The application site was located in an Area of Special Local Character (ASLC). The Heritage report described the special local characteristics of Dene Road ASLC as comprising detached houses set back from the road with large gardens, a verdant appearance and mature trees in profusion. This ASLC was about the front gardens – shrubs, trees and green features of quality.


·       The front garden of Tormead currently had trees in abundance. The application plan sought to cut down the hedge, fell 13 trees at the front and turn the current small car park into a 16-space car park.


·       The building site next door to Tormead was an ecological disaster zone. Residents did not want to see the same happen at Tormead.


·       The Council’s policies set out the need to conserve ASLCs and protect bio-diversity to support changes to adapt to climate change and encourage the development of wildlife corridors. Dene Road was already such a wildlife corridor and needed protection.


·       A suggested solution was to install the new parking spaces in the basement. The current front garden could then be retained.


The agent was in attendance and addressed the Committee. Key points highlighted included:


·       The proposal sought to deliver 4 3-bed units and a 2-bed flat – a net gain of 4 homes.

·       The proposal had been developed in consultation with planning officers and a Conservation Officer. It had taken account of officer’s feedback and had resulted in a heritage-led sympathetically designed scheme with no loss of good quality trees. Verdancy would be very much maintained.

·       The proposal would make better use of an underutilised site and would make a positive contribution to meet the Borough’s housing needs.

·       It would not impact adversely on neighbouring amenity and would offer high quality accommodation, an abundance of attractive amenity space and sufficient on-site parking.

·       The extension’s footprint would be comparable to the current and represented a modest and subservient addition to Tormead. Space standards would be exceeded.

·       The proposal would sustain the current listing status.

·       Planning conditions would be accepted including obscure windows to account for neighbouring amenity.


In response to Members’ questions, the agent confirmed that verdancy would be maintained as per the proposed landscaping plans. There would be a loss of 19 trees, but these would be replaced by 4 new trees and additional verdancy.


Members welcomed the proposed much needed family dwellings but expressed concern regarding the impact on the ASLC noting that the development would constitute a dramatic change to Dene Road. It was confirmed that, during the pre-application stage, extensive negotiations had taken place to achieve the current scheme which was considered acceptable. The current coach house would be retained, and the proposed extension would be set behind it hence the main building would remain the key feature and the extension would be subordinate to it. Under the current scheme, the dormers had also been reduced and the proposed glazed link would further protect the current street scene.


In terms of car parking, Members heard that there were currently 8 spaces and the area was tarmacked. The proposal would be to extend this area to accommodate 16 car parking spaces. Soft landscaping would protect verdancy. There would also be replacement trees to the front and to the side and the number could potentially be increased so as to further maintain verdancy.


Councillors noted that the proposed car parking area would be semi-exposed whilst the current one was well-screened. It was vital that the verdancy of Dene Road be protected by way of conditions.


In response to their requests for further clarification, Members were informed that the species of replacement trees could be conditioned, and the Council’s Tree and Landscape Officer would advise on this. There would be controls in place to ensure replacement trees were of high quality. It was felt that the proposed scheme would appropriately protect the ASLC and the locally listed building which were non-designated heritage assets – Members were referred to the policies set out on page 153 of the agenda pack (DMHB 3 and NPPF paragraph 2.03).


Members sought reassurance regarding access for emergency vehicles, the amenity of the basement flats and the location of the cycle parking provision. It was confirmed that the ground level lowered at the site thereby ensuring that the occupiers of the basement level flats received adequate light and outlook. The location of the cycle store was pointed out to Members, and it was confirmed that there was sufficient space in the car park area for emergency vehicles to gain access.


At the request of the Committee, it was agreed that the landscaping condition be amended to ensure the 19 current trees be replaced with 19 trees to be planted within Northwood. The landscaping condition would be submitted to the planning authority in consultation with the Chairman. In terms of surfacing for the car park, Members requested that permeable materials be used. It was agreed that delegated authority be granted to the Planning Service Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, to reword conditions appropriately.


The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded and, when put to a vote, unanimously agreed subject to the rewording of the conditions relating to landscaping and materials as discussed.




1.    That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Service Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, to tweak the conditions in relation to landscaping to ensure verdancy and the condition regarding materials to ensure permeability; and

2.    That the application be approved.

Supporting documents: