Agenda item

Southall Gas Works, Hayes By Pass - 54814/APP/2009/430

Demolition of 16-32 (even) The Crescent; 1-11 (odd) Randolph Road; remediation of the land and redevelopment of the site to deliver a mixed use development for up to: 320,000m² of residential, up to 14,200m² for non-food retail, up to 5,850m² of food retail, up to 1,750m² of Class A2-A5 uses, up to 9,650m² of hotel, up to 3,000m² of conference and banqueting, up to 4,700m² of leisure forming a cinema, up to 2,550m² of health care facilities, up to 3,450m² of education facilities, up to 3,500m² of office/studio units, up to 390m² of sports pavilion, an energy centre and associated car, coach and cycle parking, landscaping, public realm, open space and children's play space; and full details submitted (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the following accesses: Pump Lane Link Road  New access road from the Hayes bypass to the Application Site for vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access, including drainage and a flood relief pond. Eastern Access New access road from Southall centre to the site, including land currently occupied by properties on The Crescent. Minet Country Park Footbridge Central pedestrian and cycle access to the Minet Country Park, bridging over the Canal and Yeading Brook. Springfield Road Footbridge Northern pedestrian and cycle access to Minet County Park and Springfield Road. Widening of South Road across the railway line - Widening of south road over the railway line for the creation of a bus lane. Accesses onto Beaconsfield Road (Outline Application with full details of accesses)


Recommendation: Approval subject to S106 Agreement


Demolition of 16-32 The Crescent (all properties); 1-11 (odd) Randolph Road; remediation of the land and redevelopment of the site to deliver a mixed use development for up to: 320,000sq of residential, up to 14,200sqm for non-food retail, up to 5,850sqm of food retail, up to 1,750sqm of Class A2-A5 uses, up to 9,650sqm of hotel, up to 3,000sqm of conference and banqueting, up to 4,700sqm of leisure forming a cinema, up to 2,550sqm of health care facilities, up to 3,450sqm of education facilities, up to 3,500sqm of office/studio units, up to 390sqm of sports pavilion, an energy centre and associated car, coach and cycle parking, landscaping, public realm, open space and children's play space; and full details submitted (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the following accesses: Pump Lane Link Road New access road from the Hayes bypass to the Application Site for vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access, including drainage and a flood relief pond. Eastern Access New access road from Southall centre to the site, including land currently occupied by properties on The Crescent. Minet Country Park Footbridge Central pedestrian and cycle access to the Minet Country Park, bridging over the Canal and Yeading Brook. Springfield Road Footbridge Northern pedestrian and cycle access to Minet County Park and Springfield Road. Widening of South Road across the railway line - Widening of south road over the railway line for

the creation of a bus lane. Accesses onto Beaconsfield Road (Outline Application with full details of accesses).




The Legal Officer asked members to add an additional Head of Term as it had been agreed with the applicants that they would meet the cost of the S106 agreement up to a cost of £4,000.


In answer to an issue raised in relation to the remediation of contaminated land within Hillingdon, officers advised that funding was only being provided for this to be undertaken in Ealing.  A request was made for funding but the Mayor of London did not agree resources for Hillingdon.


Officers further stated that there was still a number of issued under discussion including the impact of the proposal on the surrounding road network.


The recommendation was moved, seconded and on being put to the there were 4 in favour and 2 abstentions.  The recommendation was therefore agreed with the additional Head of Term added.




1.         That delegated power be given to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to conclude the proposed Section 106 agreement to secure the following:



(i) A financial contribution of £1,840,000 towards implementation of

mitigation measures and capacity enhancements to Minet Country



(ii) A financial contribution of £821,118 towards the improvement of

local secondary education provision;

(iii) A financial contribution of £50,000 towards the implementation of air

quality monitoring;

(iv) On-site employment skills training program and a commitment to a

Local Labour Scheme;

(v) Off site highways works;

(vi) Management of a pooled fund to cover the cost of unanticipated

highways mitigation measures.

(vii) That in respect of the application for planning permission, the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs up to a maximum of £4,000 in the preparation of the S106 Agreement and any abortive work as a result of the agreement not being completed.


2. That the officers be authorised to negotiate and agree detailed terms of the proposed agreement.

Supporting documents: