Agenda item

Northwood College Educational Foundation, Maxwell Road, Northwood - 2082/APP/2023/516

Variation of Conditions 12 (All-Weather Pitch Hours of Use) and 13 (All-Weather Pitch Restriction of Use) of planning permission ref. 2082/APP/2007/1411 dated 11-09-2007 (Removal of existing building and construction of new early years centre and relocation of all-weather sports surface playing field (approved under planning application ref. 2082/APP/2003/1103) including details of design and layout) to change the permitted operating hours and use of the all-weather pitch.


Recommendations: Approve + Sec 106





1.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to draft an informative to ensure any future floodlighting applications at the site be brought back to Committee for consideration;


2.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to amend Condition 14 to ensure temporary consent is granted for a 24-month temporary period;


3.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to expand Condition 15 to include a noise complaint procedure;


4.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to amend Condition 9 to ensure activities are supervised by a Coach or Club Member and that no championships or tournaments are held at the application site; and


5.    That the application be approved.



Variation of Conditions 12 (All-Weather Pitch Hours of Use) and 13 (All-Weather Pitch Restriction of Use) of planning permission ref. 2082/APP/2007/1411 dated 11-09-2007 (Removal of existing building and construction of new early years centre and relocation of all-weather sports surface playing fields (approved under planning application ref. 2082/APP/2003/1103) including details of design and layout) to change the permitted operating hours and use of the all-weather pitch.


Officers introduced the application. Members heard that planning permission was sought to amend conditions in relation to hours of use and who was permitted to use the sports pitch. The proposal was to extend the hours of use to 09:00-21:00 Monday to Friday, 09:00-18:00 on Saturdays and 10:00-16:00 on Sundays. Use by the wider community on a managed basis was also proposed. It was considered that the noise nuisance risk was low, and a Noise Mitigation and Management Plan would be submitted prior to use of the all-weather playing surfaces during evening hours (18:00-21:00). It was considered that a reason for refusal based on noise would not be robust or defendable at appeal. No flood lighting was proposed in the current application. The Highways Authority had been consulted and it was considered that the proposal was unlikely to have a significant impact on the highway. In respect of air quality, the application site was in the catchment area of a LBH Focus Area hence a S106 agreement of £12,222 was payable to Hillingdon to deliver air quality measures.


A petition had been received in objection to the proposal. The lead petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Committee. Key points highlighted included:


·         There were 52 flats in the Glen where people of all age groups resided. The Glen lay close to the application site and the noise emanating from the application site was already difficult to bear;

·         The area lay within the Northwood Town Centre Green Lane Conservation Area and maintenance of the stream was key;

·         If the application were to be approved, residents of The Glen would be subjected to additional noise, light and air pollution;

·         Wildlife in the area had halved in recent years – bees, frogs, hedgehogs and birds were rarely seen;

·         The Police Station change of use application had been refused due to traffic, air pollution and noise concerns;

·         Petitioners did not agree that the impact of traffic overspill onto The Glen would be negligible;

·         The air quality mitigation of £12,222 would serve no purpose as it would not resolve pollution concerns – more mature trees should be planted to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen;

·         At the very least, the sports pitch should not be used on Sundays.


In response to questions from Members, the lead petitioner stated that parking issues could occur at any time of day. The roads in the Glen were of a standard width. To date no direct representations to Councillors or the school had been made in respect of the noise nuisance. The lead petitioner confirmed that residents of the Glen had a good relationship with Northwood College. The stream was shared between residents and the College. It was confirmed that a supervision order in respect of the use of the sports pitches was not part of the current working arrangements. 


The applicant (Director of Finance and Operations at the College) was in attendance and addressed the Committee. Key points highlighted included:


·         900 children attended the College which had been established for 130 years and was part of the Girls’ Day School Trust;

·         The College offered education and a pastoral environment for girls from nursery to year 13;

·         Northwood College offered a number of extra curricular activities to include netball and swimming; it also hosted other activities such as Rainbows and chess.

·         The College had applied to extend the hours of operation of its all-weather sports pitch in response to increased demand from local clubs. The aim was to provide more flexibility, an increase in capacity and build better connections with the local community;

·         Renting the pitch to local Clubs and Associations would provide an important funding stream which would enable the College to offer bursaries and support students financially in difficult times;

·         Those using the facilities would be expected to be respectful in terms of parking and noise;

·         It was anticipated that congestion at normal pick up and drop off times would improve as some students would be staying to attend after-school clubs;

·         Sports England supported the proposal, and it was confirmed that flood lighting did not form part of the current application;

·         Access to the site was from Maxwell Road and should not impact on The Glen.


In response to questions from Members, the applicant confirmed that the proposal aimed to create a revenue stream for the College. The applicant did not believe that any outdoor activities currently took place on site after 6pm. It was confirmed that the College was represented on Northwood Residents’ Association. Flood lights were not currently being applied for and the application related to one area only.


The applicant advised the Committee that parents could only access the College from Maxwell Road. A gate for staff was also available but it was not a public entrance to the school. It was confirmed that the College was for day use only and did not offer boarding.


With regard to supervision arrangements, Members were informed that all activities would be supervised by a Sports Coach or Club Member. It was suggested that this be assured by way of condition. Members also requested that no championships or tournaments be held at the application site.


Members sought further information regarding parking and traffic in the area. The applicant affirmed that the main challenge was in Maxwell Road during drop off and pick up times. After 5pm Maxwell Road returned to a normal quiet street.


Members raised further concerns regarding traffic and parking arrangements and sought clarification from officers. The Transport Planning and Development Manager confirmed that a transport assessment had been submitted. It was estimated that, in a worst-case scenario, up to one car would be displaced on to the street. It was felt that the proposal would not have a significant impact on highway safety or on the road network. 43 car parking spaces had been allocated and this was deemed to be sufficient as it was estimated that approximately 66% of visitors would travel by car - others would car share or walk, cycle etc. Parking on the Glen was unlikely to be convenient for users of the sports pitch. A Travel Plan would be secured by S106.


In respect of noise, Members queried why the Noise Officer had considered the impact of the proposal to be negligible and raised concerns regarding decibel levels at the school and at the Glen. It was confirmed that a noise assessment had been completed by an external consultant and assessed internally. Noise concerns were not considered to be a viable reason for refusal and would not be defensible at appeal. A Noise Mitigation Management Plan was to be secured by condition; this would be a mechanism by which residents could complain if necessary. It was agreed that Condition 15 would be expanded to include a noise complaint procedure.


Members noted the importance of regular engagement with the local community and enquired whether this could be assured by way of condition. It was confirmed that this was not something that could be conditioned; however, it was suggested that temporary consent could resolve the issue. A temporary consent for a 24-month period was favoured by Members of the Committee.


Councillors felt an application for floodlighting was likely to be forthcoming in the near future and requested that an informative be drafted to ensure any future floodlighting applications at the site be brought back to Committee for consideration.


Members sought reassurance in respect of Equalities and Human Rights as referenced on page 36 of the agenda pack. The Legal Advisor confirmed that people with protected characteristics had been taken into consideration as part of the application.


The officer’s recommendation, subject to the agreed amendments to conditions / additional conditions discussed by the Committee, was moved, seconded and, when put to a vote, approved, with five Councillors voting in favour and one against.




1.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to draft an informative to ensure any future floodlighting applications at the site be brought back to Committee for consideration;


2.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to amend Condition 14 to ensure temporary consent is granted for a 24-month temporary period;


3.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to expand Condition 15 to include a noise complaint procedure;


4.    That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning and PPA Lead Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, to amend Condition 9 to ensure activities are supervised by a Coach or Club Member and that no championships or tournaments are held at the application site; and


5.    That the application be approved.

Supporting documents: