Agenda item

Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2022-2023


Ms Suzi Gladish, Safeguarding Partnership Quality and Improvement Manager, advised that the report set out the work that had been undertaken by the Partnership which had to undergo independent scrutiny.  This year, the focus had been on the impact of strategic work on practice and evidence had been found of strong partnerships and the facilitation of continuous improvement. 


The report set out the progress of subgroups (such as the Making Safeguarding Personal subgroup and the Domestic Abuse subgroup) that had worked with multi agency colleagues on the prevention, identification and response.  With regard to learning from practice, three useful learning reviews had been undertaken during the year which had resulted in improvements and a safeguarding adults review had been undertaken in relation to self-neglect. 


Ms Gladish advised that a multi agency quality assurance framework had been introduced.  A safeguarding adults audit tool had been developed on a pan-London basis but had not been progressed as further improvements were needed.


With regard to the quality of safeguarding practice, training sessions had proved very successful with a 43% increase in continuous professional development across the sector.  A webinar programme had also been developed. 


Highlights from partner agencies over the past year included an increase in the number of domestic abuse (DA) reports and a drive by the North West London Integrated Care Board in relation to annual health checks.  Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) had also held its fifth Annual Domestic Abuse conference this year.  The Safeguarding Families Team at The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust had been fully established and had focussed on ensuring that safeguarding remained at the forefront of clinical care through a range of interventions such as training and staff engagement.  An Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) had been co-located at Hillingdon Hospital to help identify and support patients who had been victims of DA.  It was recognised that there were significant benefits in learning from practice and that it would be good to see more IDVA involvement in GP surgeries.  It was suggested that the Hillingdon Training Hub had been well attended by GPs and might be the best way of targeting GP engagement.  Ms Gladish had attended the GP Safeguarding Forum and training was readily available to all GPs.  It was suggested that this issue be investigated further outside of this meeting. 


CNWL had been focussed on the Year of the Child, including identifying the voice of the child in every contact.  This had been identified as a partnership priority for this year and consideration needed to be given to what else was needed from partner organisations in order for this to be successful.  Ms Gladish needed to know what partner organisations would be doing in response to the feedback and would take this up with them outside of this meeting.  A "You Said, We Did" exercise would also be undertaken by the end of October 2023. 


Self-neglect was when someone was not able to keep themselves clean, safe and well.  Sometimes these individuals did not want help, even though they needed it.  The Self-Neglect subgroup had been working to help professionals know how to help people that were unable to help themselves.  The Co-Chairman noted that it was good that this issue was being given priority.   


Ms Gladish noted that the child and adolescent service had joined with adult services at Harlington Hospice to transform into the Psychological and Emotional Support Service.  At the hospice UK conference in November 2022, Harlington Hospice had been awarded first place in the research poster in relation to its work on Neurodiversity and Grief. 


It was noted that Young Healthwatch Hillingdon had undertaken a lot of work with young people in the Borough in relation to issues such as sexual health and self harm.  It was queried how Healthwatch could work together with the Safeguarding Partnership.  Ms Gladish advised that the sexual health work reported into a subgroup and that the Partnership would welcome ongoing collaborative work on things such a joint consultation event at the end of October 2023. 


The Board recognised the hard work undertaken by a small team that worked across a range of organisations.  The effective partnership working was demonstrated through the rotation of the chairmanship of meetings around the partners that made up the leadership group. 


RESOLVED:  That the achievements of Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership in the year 2022-2023 be commended and the strategic priorities for 2023-2024 be noted. 

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