Agenda item

Rosedale College, Wood End Green Road, Hayes - 16034/APP/2023/2812

Redevelopment of the Rosedale College site to provide improved teaching and sports facilities. Proposed works to include demolition and renovation of existing buildings, the erection of 2 new buildings, a plant room, social and dining canopies, multi-use games areas, sports fields and football pitches, new parking area and provision of associated infrastructure. Pupil number to remain unchanged.


Recommendation: Approve + Sec 106


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to S106, amendments to conditions 4 and 12 as stated in the addendum report and amendment to condition 11 (landscaping) to include specific reference to a maintenance plan for the green roof.



Redevelopment of the Rosedale College site to provide improved teaching and sports facilities. Proposed works to include demolition and renovation of existing buildings, the erection of 2 new buildings, a plant room, social and dining canopies, multi-use games areas, sports fields and football pitches, new parking area and provision of associated infrastructure. Pupil number to remain unchanged.


Councillor Garelick had declared a non-pecuniary interest in items 9 and 10 as the application site was situated within her Ward. She remained in the room during the consideration of these items.


Officers presented the application and highlighted the information in the addendum. The application related to the redevelopment of Rosedale College to provide improved teaching and sports facilities. No changes to pupil numbers were proposed. The development proposal would involve the demolition of two existing blocks, one of which was a temporary block which should have been removed by the end of June 2014 and returned to its original use as a playing field / sports pitch. The two blocks were to be replaced by new contemporary teaching blocks.


The benefits of the scheme were considered to outweigh the potential harm derived by the minor loss in teaching space and playing field. It was considered that the development would cause no harm to the character and appearance of the area. In terms of noise, the energy centre would not impact negatively on neighbours and the new development would be of a similar scale to the existing. More trees would be incorporated into the new scheme and the existing car parking area would be extended. The application was recommended for approval.


Councillors commented that condition 12 seemed restrictive in terms of staffing numbers. It was confirmed that the condition was proposed to ensure staff and student numbers were controlled as any increase would impact on parking and traffic.


In response to further questions from the Committee, it was confirmed that the new heating system would be more efficient and would service the new buildings and those to be refurbished as a minimum.


Members were reassured that the proposal would include a considerable number of additional trees some of which would be capable of absorbing carbon and pollutants.


The Committee sought reassurance that the proposed car parking arrangements would be adequate. It was noted that there was a move towards sustainable options and a financial contribution was proposed to secure improved cyclist and pedestrian access to the site. A travel plan had also been secured. Public transport options were also available though it was recognised that these were somewhat limited.


At the request of Members, an amendment to condition 11 (landscaping) to include specific reference to a maintenance plan for the green roof was agreed.

The requirement for a strict Construction Management Plan was noted given the narrow entrances to the site.


Members welcomed the proposal noting that it would provide a much better environment for students which would be more conducive to learning and would serve them well.


The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded and, when put to a vote, unanimously agreed subject to S106, the amendments in the addendum and amendment to condition 11 (landscaping) to include specific reference to a maintenance plan for the green roof.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to S106, amendments to conditions 4 and 12 as stated in the addendum report and amendment to condition 11 (landscaping) to include specific reference to a maintenance plan for the green roof.


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