Agenda item

Uxbridge Golf Club, The Drive, Ickenham, 4601/APP/2010/1103

Remodelling works to Golf Course, consisting of re-contouring of existing land form using imported inert soils, together with extensive landscaping and associated drainage. (Appendices to the Construction Management Plan and the addendum to the Ecological Impact Assessment, Biodiversity Mitigation, Management and Monitoring Plan and the Water Management Plan.)



In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in support of the proposal was invited to address the meeting.


Points raised by the petitioner:

  • The golf club is currently not being used and had been in decline for years
  • There was no practice ground or teaching ground for golfers
  • The steep slopes at hole 9 and 10 are very difficult to play on and needed to be addressed
  • The drainage system needed restoration
  • The golf course needed rejuvenation by an applicant as soon as possible.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution three representatives of the three petitions received in objection to the proposal were invited to address the meeting.


Points raised by the petitioners:

  • The proposed plans for the golf course by the current applicant would be harmful to the wildlife in the area
  • The steep slopes on the course cannot be used by disabled people
  • There were issues with the drainage system, with many holes not being used throughout the year as there was flooding in some parts of the green
  • Landfill issues do not help drainage problems
  • Lorries carrying landfill waste will cause noise pollution for local residents
  • Additional conditions should be imposed on the applicant in relation to a deadline for landfill completion and a review of progress
  • Membership of the golf club had been adversely affected due to the lack of action by the applicant


The Agent was present at the meeting and addressed the Committee:

  • The Agent reiterated the fact that the company was not a landfill company, but a golf management company operating in the UK and Ireland.
  • The company currently operated eleven public golf courses
  • The 2010 season would see the company pay over £400,000 in rent to the London Borough of Hillingdon (£280,000 in fixed rent and £120,000 in turnover related rent).


The Committee asked the Agent that should planning permission be granted how long would it be before the golf course could be played on. The Agent said the total reinstallation would be completed by April 2011. The Committee also asked Members why the course had not maintained lately. The Agent said he was unable to answer as he was not involved in the course maintenance.


 A Ward Councillor was present and addressed the Committee:

  • There had been a total lack of maintenance of the golf course
  • Disabled access was unsatisfactory
  • The Restoration Bond offered by the Agent was not a large enough sum and would not cover restoration costs, should the company fail to complete the task.


Members commended Officers on a very comprehensive report. Members highlighted their concerns over the low rate of the restoration bond put forward by the Applicant. The Committee said that figure of the bond currently being offered was very low compared to expected offers.


It was moved and seconded that the application be refused. On being put to the vote, the Committee agreed refusal unanimously.


Resolved – That the application be refused due to the following reason:


The applicant has failed to demonstrate that an appropriate level of security in the form of a land restoration bond will be provided. Given that the sum of the land restoration bond has not been agreed, in the opinion of the local planning authority, the development presents unacceptable risks to the visual amenity and openness of the Green Belt and the ecological value of nearby sites of nature conservation interest. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies EC1, OL1, OL2 and R17 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies September 2007.”



Supporting documents: