Agenda item
School Places - Update
Officers gave a brief introduction to the report advising that this was the latest position as the figures changed on a weekly basis.
Members thanked the officer for the report and suggested that it would be useful to receive a periodic update. This would be useful for both officers and members to be kept up to date.
The officer introduced the report and advised the committee that there were currently 75 available primary school places in Hillingdon.
The committee thanked officers for the report and suggested that it would be useful for a quarterly report to be produced to enable members to be kept up to date with the current data. Members also asked for school places information at first year secondary school to see whether the pressures in primary schools were being carried through to Secondary Schools.
Officers suggested that it would be more pertinent to receive reports on in year and causal admissions to monitor how this progressed through the academic year.
In response to an issue raised in relation to the small number of children not yet offered places and the number of net migrators into the borough, officers advised that letters were currently being sent to parents offering places over the half term to 8 children in south of the borough. Officers did not have the information of the breakdown of families moving into the borough. The admissions Team had received information on children not previously known to the Council, so this suggested that a majority of families were moving into the borough. The figures on required places varied from week to week with a natural tail off at the beginning of the school year. Next year would be difficult to estimate the number of primary places required as there had not been many families moving out of the borough.
A member referred to the school expansion programme and asked whether the resentment of some schools had been overcome.
Officers advised the committee that consultations on expansion had now closed, officers had visited Whitehall School where concerns had been expressed. It was unlikely that objections would be received from other schools. Consideration was currently being given to whether to move forward with all the school expansions together or whether to take those forward where no objections had been received.
It was asked whether officers were confident that the expansion programme would meet the needs for 2011 or whether further expansion would be required. There would be pressures on school places from housing developments within the borough and adjoining authorities.
Members were informed that 8 additional forms of entry would be required for September 2011. Discussions were currently being undertaken with those school being considered for expansion for 2011. That information was not available to enable an additional form of entry on top of those required to be considered. Officers through the Admissions Forum received information on the needs of the service from families in the borough.
Resolved – That officers report back at an appropriate time throughout the year on the school places.
Resolved –
1. That members note the report and at the appropriate time receive an update on the admissions for the next academic year.
2. That a quarterly report on the in year school places be provided to the committee.
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