Agenda item

London Borough of Ealing (SKLPC Community Centre and Sports Ground, India Gardens, Northolt) 39704/APP/2010/2599

Use of existing community facility building as a mixed use comprising indoor market/community facility for a temporary period of expiring April 2011 (Amended Description) (Consultation by Ealing Council).





Use of existing community facility building as a mixed use comprising indoor market/community facility for a temporary period of expiring April 2011 (Amended Description) (Consultation by Ealing Council).




Ealing Council seeks comments from this Council on a planning application for the use of an existing community facility building as a mixed use compromising indoor market/community facility for a temporary period expiry April 2011. The officer report related to the request from the London Borough of Ealing for observations and comments in relation to the planning application it had received. The issue for consideration by the North Planning Committee was the impact of the proposed development on the London Borough of Hillingdon, rather than the determination of the application itself. The use of the site for mixed use comprising indoor market/community facility was considered contrary to policies AM2 and AM7 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007).


Officers stated that the decision on this application would be made by the London Borough of Ealing and that the London Borough of Hillingdon would comment on this application before a decision was made.


The development had not indicated special circumstances for this application and it would be detrimental to highways. There was inadequate information on traffic measures from the applicant. The information submitted with the application was quite sparse.


Members commented that application would impact on the surrounding Wards of Hillingdon, including the implications of the traffic in an already busy area. The application was very close to the Polish War Memorial roundabout, where the current car boot sales had already a huge impact on the traffic.


Members also considered the impact of the noise to residents, and the parking issues that arose through events on the site. This also had an impact on Emergency Services that may need to use Harvey Road.


Members commented that the site was Green Belt land and that when objecting to this application it should be reminded that the area should be used for what Green Belt land was intended for. The Committee were concerned with the various activities that occurred in this area and asked if it was possible that the London Borough of Ealing consult them on any future applications for this area.


Officers stated to Members that Hillingdon was the highway authority for this site and that if Ealing were to ignore their advice they would need good reason too. It was also commented that this area was too small for the application to go to the Mayor’s Office and that they recommended consultation with TFL.


Members concerns regarding this application were strongly noted. It was moved, seconded and was unanimously agreed that the officers recommendations were agreed.



Resolved –


That the London Borough of Ealing be informed that the London Borough of Hillingdon raised an objection to the proposed scheme on the following grounds:


1) The applicant had failed to submit adequate information to demonstrate that acceptable traffic management measures would be in place to manage the safe and free flow of vehicular traffic as it enters and exits from the site and whether the traffic associated with the development would cause congestion on the adjoining highway network. The development was therefore considered likely to be detrimental to highway safety and is contrary to Policy AM7 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007).


2) The proposal would result in a materially greater impact and an unacceptable intensification of use (than the existing authorised uses) of the site and as such was inappropriate development in the Green Belt for which no case of very special circumstances had been demonstrated. The proposal was therefore considered to be contrary to

Policy OL1 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies

September 2007, London Plan Policy 3D.9 (Consolidate with Alterations since 2004), and Planning Policy Guidance 2: Green Belts.


3) That Officers ask the London Borough of Ealing to consult with Hillingdon on any future applications on this site.

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