Agenda item

RAF Uxbridge, Hillingdon Road, Uxbridge - 585/APP/209/2754

Alterations to Hillingdon House and demolition of modern single storey wing,

portacabins and other buildings within the curtilage of the house. Alterations to the 'Carpenters' Building, and alterations and repairs to curtilage walls (Application for Listed Building Consent)




Recommendation: Approval subject to satisfactory Direction by English Heritage.


Alterations to Hillingdon House and demolition of modern single storey wing, portacabins and other buildings within the curtilage of the house. Alterations to the 'Carpenters' Building, and alterations and repairs to curtilage walls (Application for Listed Building Consent)




A member raised concerns about the plan on Page 62 of the A3 plans pack that showed the existing flue to be demolished and subject to review of the restaurant requirements.  The plan also showed a structure in front of the windows in the Listed Building can clarification be given on these two pints.


Officers advised that the flue was to be demolished and that a replacement flue would be required to be located appropriately.


Members suggested that an additional condition was required to ensure that the flue was demolished. 


Officers suggested that a condition be added to require the removal of the existing flue and that an informative added to advise that a separate permission would be required for the flue as set out in Condition 11.


In answer to the issue raised in relation to the structure obscuring the windows officers advised the committee that condition 10 had been amended on the addendum sheet to require details of the service floor area to be submitted.


A concern was raised in regard to condition 1 the time limit for the development to begin within 5 years and asked whether this could be changed to 3 years to ensure an earlier start.


Officers advised that there was legislation that governed the time period for a development to begin.   The developers had asked for a 10 year time limit but officer did not feel this was appropriate in order to protect the important buildings on site.  A compromise was reached and a 5 year time limit was agreed.


The committee asked whether there was justification for reducing the time limit for this permission to 3 years.


The Legal Adviser suggested that as members felt that the listed building could deteriorate in 5 years, condition 7& 8 could be strengthened.


In answer to a question as to whether the Listed Building application was linked to the planning application, officers advised the committee that the two applications were not currently linked.


Members raised concerns about the two applications not being linked and asked for a 10 minute adjournment to enable officer’s to provide the committee with a way forward on this issue.


The committee adjourned at 8.40 p.m. and re-convened at 8.50 p.m.


Officers advised that an additional condition should be added to Item 5 (this condition was included in Minute 168) on the agenda and condition 7 on the Listed Building application to be amended as follows:-


‘Measures to protect the buildings form the weather, vandalism and accidental damage shall be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to the start  of any works under this application (Ref. 585/APP/209/2754) and the planning application (Ref. 585/APP/2009/2752) on site and these shall be retained during the construction phase of the development.’


The recommendation with condition 7 and 16 amended and an additional condition and in informative added was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That delegated authority was given to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to approve the application subject to no Direction from English Heritage and the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting and an condition 7 as amended and an additional condition and informative as follows


Amended Condition 7


Measures to protect the buildings form the weather, vandalism and accidental damage shall be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to the start of any works under this application Listed Building Consent (Ref. 585/APP/209/2754) and the associated planning application (Ref. 585/APP/2009/2752) on site and these shall be retained during the construction phase of the development.



To safeguard the special architectural and/or historic interest of the building in accordance with Policy BE8 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007)


Amend Condition 16 as follows:-


Before any part of phase 4 of the development is completed, the works hereby approved shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.





To ensure restoration works are undertaken in order to safeguard the special architectural and historic interest of the building in accordance with Policies BE8, BE9, and BE10,  of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007).


Additional Condition

Notwithstanding information contained on drawings Nos. 3300-22-302 Rev A, 3300-22-305 Rev B and 3300-22-306 Rev B the existing 18.5m high flu shall be removed without any avoidable damage to Hillingdon House and its curtilage before any development of Hillingdon House hereby approved commences.

REASON: To safeguard the special architectural and/or historic interest of the building in accordance with Policy BE8 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007).


Additional Informative


You are advised that any replacement flue will require planning permission. Please refer to condition 11 of the Listed Building Consent which requires the submission of details before commencement of any works to construct a flue.

Supporting documents:


Councillors and meetings