Agenda item

Quarterly Audit of Children's Social Care Records


Officers introduced the reports and advised the committee that audits were undertaken by Managers.  Work was underway to introduce a more robust audit process.   The audit report on the Children’s Support Services had been structured differently to the other reports and this was the format for future audits within Child and Adult Services.   The audit framework needed to be qualitative and identify key issues, access and monitoring system.   There also needed to be clearer information provided on whether standards were or were not met and how the issues identified were being addressed.  A draft audit framework was currently being produced and would be sent to Senior Mangers and Audit Services for their comments.  Once comments had been received a final audit framework would be agreed and would become part of the audit process.


The committee appreciated the work that had been undertaken to provide the information requested.    Safeguarding was the provision of good quality information and auditing to ensure that all files were up to date with all correspondence. 


Officers advised that a large amount of working files were up to date with Staff working late and at weekends to achieve this.  Officers also needed to show how the service was meeting the system business objectives in regards to performance indicators.  Officers also needed to ensure that correspondence was placed in the correct place within the protocols.


A member asked whether the department was still operating two filing systems, electronic and paper. 


Officers advised that they were still operating electronic and paper files there was an ongoing project to ensure that protocols were being met.


In answer to an issue raised in relation to the main streaming of the Asylum Service, officers advised the committee that the number of service users had reduced over the last 18 months with the same number of staff.  Through the Business Improvement Delivery (BID) the plan was to main stream the asylum service into Children & Families Team.  A detailed project plan had been prepared to reduce the service to represent the number of cases within the Team.  Safeguarding was a priority and was always at the top of the agenda and would not be compromised as part of this process. 


A member asked for clarification of the chart set out on page 46.


Officers advised that it showed the number of child protection cases being dealt with by qualified and newly qualified staff.  The more experienced and skilled staff had more of the Child Protection Cases and the newly qualified staff had more of the Children in Need Cases.   There had been some improvements already made to the protocol as currently it was very prescriptive and not client focused.  Further work was underway to rectify this situation.




A member asked where Social Care records for children with Disabilities that were placed out of borough were reported and who audited these records.


Officers advised that the Disability Service was part of the review audit framework that sat within Education.  Officers were unsure whether audits were carried out.


Members asked that officers provide information on the programme of Social Care Audits for children with special needs that were placed out of borough. 


Resolved –      1.      That the report was noted.


                           2.      That members of the committee be provided with information on the audit programme of Social Care Records for Children with Disabilities.



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