Agenda item

The Avenue, Northwood - Petition requesting traffic calming measure and reducing speed limit


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • The petitioners were in favour of the implementation of both a speed reduction to 20 miles per hour and traffic calming measures along The Avenue in Northwood.
  • The roads were solely residential and connects the Rickmansworth Road to Ducks Hill Road.
  • About 30 years ago a 7 foot barrier was placed at the top of the road near to the junction with Ducks Hill Road in order to prevent heavy goods vehicles using it as a short cut and forcing them to use the Ducks Hill Road junction with the Rickmansworth Road.
  • Since then a massive increase in car ownership, which also increased on commuting by car to and from work, and aggressive driving and displacement of traffic due to the “no entry” in to Northgate from Ducks Hill Road.
  • In the last 3 years traffic had considerably decreased on the Copsewood Estate and increased in volume, speed and nature along The Avenue.
  • The location of the survey equipment right next to the junction of The Avenue and Chelwood Close meant that some cars missed the survey entirely and others entering or exiting Chelwood Close would of been seen to be travelling at very low speed and therefore the average recorded speed is dramatically reduced along with the 85th percentile.
  • Also it was placed just where cars parked on the North side of the road and within a short distance of parking on the South side of the road therefore making in effect a natural speed reduction feature which often forceed cars passing in one direction at a time.
  • Some cars were actually parked on the strips and petitioners questioned whether this would of stopped the accurate recording of events.
  • Petitioners believed it would have been far better to site the survey equipment further East, nearer to the junction with the Rickmansworth Road.
  • That Rickmansworth Road had a maximum speed limit at the junction with The Avenue of 40 miles per hour limit and as the bend was about 135 degrees, that cars accelerated through and away from the bend, on to a clear stretch of residential road ahead of them.
  • Petitioners wanted this junction to be re-engineered in order to reduce the angle towards 90 degrees which would force traffic to slow down.
  • The petitioners wanted fewer cars to use The Avenue as a short cut, and for those who that did use it to drive more slowly. They lived in fear of crossing the road and would not allow their children to go any where near the road unaccompanied. Numerous dead pets and wild animals had been hit and killed by traffic.
  • Petitioners received so much abuse by trying to park outside or in their own homes. They did not want to park outside their house as feared their cars would get damaged.
  • Petitioners requested indented bays that are marked with wooden post like the ones in Green Lane. And for them to be staggered between the sides of the road to give protection to the parked cars and act as a chicane.
  • They also asked that priority be given to cars coming from Ducks Hill Road which again would of slowed the traffic coming from the Rickmansworth Road.
  • Petitioners asked that the speed limit be officially reduced and signed to 20 miles per hour. It would of also helped to denote the road as being residential and combined with speed calming measures would of had good effect.
  • They asked for a flashing sign that showed the speed that drivers were going and the 20 mile per hour sign.
  • Petitioners also asked for the road to be re-surfaced. There were numerous deep potholes all along the road that went down in to the sub structure and patches elsewhere where other holes had been repaired. The pavement is tarmaced and was in a terrible state of repair. Recently the junctions were re-white lined and 2 of the centre strip lines at the Rickmansworth Road end actually went down along and out of the pot holes.
  • Petitioners said it was a quality of life issue.



Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


The Cabinet Member discussed the survey information and noted the petitioners comments that this was done in the wrong place.


He had already asked officers to carry out a new survey but the report was not available until next week.


Officers said if the location of survey strips were not in the correct place this could be discussed with petitioners. Spot checks could be carried out.


Hillingdon had the largest number of cars per household than any other London Borough.


The Cabinet Member appreciated everything the petitioners said and needed the results to come back before going any further.


The 20mph zone: there was rumours that Transport for London would fund 20mph zones. So there was possible funding that this could be used in Hillingdon. The Cabinet member would take on board petitions and any information from the Police.


Veritex Sign (flashing sign) could be put in place. They were put up temporarily in streets. Officers discussed with petitioners where this one sign would be best to put up. Outside number 25 The Avenue, facing westbound traffic was discussed.


The Cabinet Members would not grant 20mph zone until the surveys were reported back. Based on what comes back in recommendation 2 he could then see what to do for recommendation 3.


Resolved - 

That the Cabinet Member:

1. Noted the petitions requests and met with petitioners to discuss in greater detail the concerns they have.

2. Asked officers to conduct a new 24 hour/seven day speed and volume survey in The Avenue to verify the results of the previously conducted survey.

3. Instructed officers to conduct further investigations into possible traffic calming measures under the Road Safety Programme.

4. Veritex Sign to be included in the next programme for The Avenue.

5. Instructed officers to view the pavement and road surface and report back to the Cabinet Member.


Reasons For Recommendation

The petitioners were concerned with the volume and speed of vehicles in their road. The recommendations would explore the extent of their concerns and looked at possible solutions to mitigate these concerns. 


Alternative Options Considered

No other options had been considered, as the recommendations asked officers to gather further information before considering feasible solutions.


Relevant Ward:


Supporting documents: