Agenda item

Merrows Close, Northwood - Petition Requesting Residents Parking Scheme


Councillor Carol Melvin attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petition. 


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Residents were concerned that, particularly over the last 12 months, there was an increasing number of non residents parking in Merrows Close which was making it difficult for residents to park;
  • Furthermore, it was noted that non-residents were parking inconsiderately and often parked over driveways and on the corners of the Close, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic;
  • Residents had been verbally abused and spat at when they had spoken to drivers that had parked their vehicles inconsiderately.  It was believed that one of these drivers worked at Holy Trinity primary school which was opposite the end of the Close.  Residents had contacted the school on a number of occasions about the behaviour of its staff but there had been no improvement;
  • Parents of children at Holy Trinity school often parked in Merrows Close to wait for their children to finish school.  One parent had refused to move her car to let a resident off his driveway to go to a hospital appointment; 
  • If there was an event on at Holy Trinity Church in Rickmansworth Road, the parking problems in Merrows Close worsened;
  • Concern was expressed that Merrows Close was quite narrow and emergency services vehicles would find it difficult to get down the road when vehicles were parked down both sides.  This also caused problems for residents when they were expecting deliveries as the drivers could often not get near the property they were delivering to;
  • Car parking charges at Mount Vernon Hospital had recently increased and there had been a subsequent increase in the number of patients parking in the Close;
  • Since a residents’ parking scheme had been implemented in Thirlmere Gardens, parking problems had been transferred to the surrounding roads, including Merrows Close; and
  • Residents had taken photographs of the parking problem which they passed to the Cabinet Member.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  He noted that Councillor Lewis had been instrumental in supporting this petition.  The photographs provided by residents illustrated the genuine problems that were being experienced by residents regarding parking. 


Residents were advised that, whilst vehicles that were taxed and insured had every right to park in the Close, the drivers did not have the right to: park over residents’ driveways (thereby preventing them accessing their properties); to verbally abuse them; or spit at them. 


It was agreed that the Merrows Close would be added to the work programme and those present were advised that the informal consultation would be sent out to residents with an explanation of the options that were available.  If there was support for a scheme, a formal consultation would be undertaken and anyone could object to the proposals at this stage.  If there were any objections, a report would need to be written for consideration by the Cabinet Member.  It was noted that the whole process could take quite a long time and that it was important that residents in the Close responded to any parking consultation that came through their doors. 


It was noted that the Council would be able to speak to Holy Trinity school about its staff treating residents with respect.  Councillor Melvin advised that she would speak to the school. 


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


  1. met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with parking in their road and the possible options to address the issues that would be acceptable to residents.


  1. asked officers to add the request to the Council’s overall parking programme so an informal consultation can be carried out.




To give the Cabinet Member an opportunity to discuss with the petitioners the problems in their road and if appropriate consult residents on the possibility of introducing parking restrictions in Merrows Close.




Alternative options to address non residential parking will be part of the consultation with residents if the Cabinet Member gives approval for a scheme to be added to the programme.

Supporting documents: