Agenda item

Harlyn School, Tolcarne Drive, Pinner 8883/APP/2011/941

Installation of a temporary mobile double classroom for a period of 3 years.


Recommendation: That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Consumer Protection, Sport and Green Spaces to approve the application, subject to no objections being received from Sport England, with conditions and informatives as outlined in the report.


Installation of a temporary mobile double classroom for a period of 3 years.




This application seeked full planning permission for the erection of a mobile double classroom unit at Harlyn Primary School, for a temporary period of three years. The additional classroom spaces were required to accommodate the growing number of pupils at the school.


The Education Act 1996 states that Local Authorities have a duty to educate children within their administrative area. The Hillingdon Primary Capital Schools Programme was part of the Council's legal requirement to meet the educational needs of the borough.


In recent years the borough had seen a rise in birth rates up to 2008 and the trend had continued through 2009 and 2010. This growth in the birth rate, combined with net in-migration and new large scale housing developments in the borough had meant that there was a significant need for additional primary school classrooms across the borough.


The longer term strategy would be to provide permanent accommodation as part of the programme to meet existing and future needs. However, in the interim period an urgent need for additional classrooms had been identified to meet demand for September 2011.


The proposal fully complied with the aims of UDP Policy R10, which seeked to encourage educational facilities in the Borough and, accordingly, the principle of the development was considered to be acceptable.


Given its temporary nature, it was not considered that the proposed double classroom would have a significant impact on the visual amenities of the school or the surrounding area. The proposal would not have any detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential units and no objections had been raised on traffic grounds, provided appropriate mitigation measures could be put in place.


The proposal was considered to comply with relevant UDP and London Plan policies and, accordingly, approval was recommended.


There were no petitioners present at the meeting. 


The applicant or agent was not present at the meeting.


Ward Councillors’ Andrew Retter and Jonathon Bianco were present and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Ward Councillor Andrew Retter addressed the meeting. The following points were raised:

  • Councillor Retter had spoken to the lead petitioner and she was concerned that the work had already started on the site before the application had been heard by the Planning Committee.
  • Residents believed that a decision should be made before any work could commence.
  • This was a problematic road, which had a lot of congestion and there had been previous petitions submitted to the Council regarding this. This included a petition regarding the local test centre which was in the area.
  • Councillor Retter spoke about how previous experience had shown that a temporary classroom which was meant to be there for 3 years has in the past stayed on site for many years.
  • That the Council needs to ensure that temporary classrooms stay as temporary and that long term measures were put in place.
  • Councillor Retter asked that the Planning Department liaise with the Education Department with regard to voluntary codes of practice. That the Education Department speak to the school about parents travelling to and from the school.
  • Some parents parked in front of peoples’ driveways and that this was hazardous in a road were there were a lot of elderly residents who may need to leave in an emergency.
  • Councillor Retter was in favour of the officer recommendation because of the educational needs but the concerns of the residents needed to be heard.


Ward Councillor Jonathon Bianco addressed the meeting. The following points were raised:

  • Councillor Bianco understood the need for more places at schools due to the increase in the number of school age children in the borough.
  • He stated that Harlyn School already had 5 temporary classrooms and that it could do with permanent classrooms for the future.
  • That the main issues with residents was the traffic and congestion. There were a lot of cars parked on the road, which often left a single carriageway for cars to drive through.
  • The parking issue had been looked at in the past and the possibility of a controlled parking zone. This was not implemented as the majority of residents were not in favour of a cpz.
  • Councillor Bianco stated there should be a greater emphasis on the green travel plan. That schools needed to be persuaded to speak to parents about leaving their cars at home to help assist with the parking and congestion issues.
  • Councillor Bianco agreed that the development was needed for the educational reasons as stated in the officers report.


Members spoke about the concerns regarding temporary classrooms and that how in the further a more permanent solution would be ideal. Members recognised that these issues with classrooms was a problem across the country, not just this Borough.


Members spoke about any possible loss in playground area and that it was a concern if they were increasing the number of children but reducing the play area. Officers confirmed that the standards for playgrounds would be maintained with this proposed development.


Members discussed the green travel plan and the 3 month period for the implementation of this. It was noted that the current travel plans showed a shift towards more ‘green travel’ and that Hillingdon was top of the list in London for this.


Members stated that the schools should be talking to parents at pick up and drop off times about their travel to assist with the parking and congestion issues.


Members agreed that the parking and congestion issues discussed were not strong enough to object to this application, and that the need for the school places was a greater issue.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Consumer Protection, Sport and Green Spaces to approve the application, subject to no objections being received from Sport England, and the conditions and informatives as set out in the officer’s report.

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