Agenda item

Harefield Academy, Northwood Way, Harefield - 17709/APP/2009/624

Erection of a three storey building to provide accommodation for 50 boarders and 4 staff with ancillary amenity space, landscaping, car parking and biomass boiler enclosure


Recommendation:  Approval


Harefield Ward


Erection of a three storey building to provide accommodation for 50 boarders and 4 staff with ancillary amenity space, landscaping, car parking and biomass boiler enclosure.


In introducing the report, the officer advised that the need for educational facilities was considered to constitute the special circumstances required to justify this new building in the Green Belt. It was noted that the development was also supported by the Mayor of London. The Committee’s attention was drawn to the addendum sheet to note that issues raised in respect of the consultation process had been covered.


The officer directed Members to further amendments in the Addendum sheet, and highlighted additional condition (26), which required a Student Management Plan, to ensure control of any issues that may arise from the boarders in and out of school.


In response to a question about the applicant seeking amendments to recommended conditions, officers advised that this could be addressed via a section 73 application, where consideration would be given to just the changes to the conditions.


A Member asked whether the Management Plan would cover the use of the building during after school hours. Officers responded that Condition 4 limited the use of the building only to Harefield Academy.


Officers advised that Condition 4 should be amended to read as follows: ‘The residential accommodation hereby approved shall be occupied solely by students or other persons associated with Harefield Academy’. It was noted that amending Condition 4 this way would prevent use by other bodies.


In answer to a query relating to the inclusion of evergreen screening between the site, officers advised that the Committee could specify by way of an informative, for evergreen to be included in the landscaping scheme (Condition 16). 


A petition representative addressed the Committee and expressed concerns about the development. The applicant spoke in support of the application.


For point of clarification relating to a query about properties in Northwood Road not being consulted, the Legal Advisor advised that the Local Authority was only legally obliged to advertise in the local paper and to post site notices (by virtue of article 8 (3)of the GDPO 1995). Although it is good practice, there was no statutory requirement for the Council to send letters to neighbouring properties. It was noted that the fact that a petition and various letters and emails had been received indicated that residents had not been prejudiced.


The recommendation with the amendments on the addendum sheet, condition 4 being amended and an additional informative was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


RESOLVED – That the application be Approved, subject to the following, amendment to condition 4, an additional informative with the amendments on the addendum sheet:


1.         That the application be referred to the Mayor under Article 5 of the        Town             and County Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 (Stage     2 Referral).


2.         That the application be referred to the Secretary of State as a      departure from the provisions of the Development Plan.


3.         That subject to the Secretary of State not calling in the application        and     the Mayor (i), not directing the council under Article 6 of the          Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 to           refuse the     application, or (ii) not issuing a direction under        Article 7 of the Order that he is to act as the local planning   authority for the purpose of determination by the Director of    Planning and Community Services under Delegated Powers.


4.         That if the application is approved, the conditions and      informatives in the officer’s report be attached.


Condition 4 was revised as follows:


The residential accommodation hereby approved shall be occupied solely by students or other persons associated with Harefield Academy.


Additional informative:


The applicant is encouraged to include evergreen as well as deciduous trees in landscaped planting areas between the proposed building and Northwood Road. This is to ensure year round screening of the building from Northwood Road.

Supporting documents: