Agenda item

534 Victoria Road, Ruislip - 3677/APP/2011/851

Change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services) for use as an estate agent.


Recommendation: Refusal


Change of use from Class A1 (Retail) to Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services) for use as an estate agent.




The site was within the core area of the South Ruislip Local Centre and comprises a ground floor commercial unit. Policy S9 states that in Local Centres the Local Planning Authority would only grant planning permission to change  the use  from Class A1 shops outside  the core areas. Local Centres were generally much smaller  than Town Centres and  in order that  these  centres  retain a  strong  retail  core, with more  than  just  the bare minimum of shops, the Local Planning Authority would not grant planning permission to change the use from Class A1.


The application seeked the change of use of an existing A1 (retail) use to a A2 (Financial and Professional Services) use and therefore would be contrary to adopted policy. Therefore the application was recommended for Refusal.


The petitioners were not present at the meeting and therefore did not address committee.


The agent was present and raised the following points on behalf of the application:

  • The agent employed 7 full time and 1 part time staff at his letting agents. He ran a family business.
  • He had agreed to invest in the property without realising there were any issues regarding change of use of the property.
  • The agent understood why the officer’s recommendation was for refusal but he felt he had a strong retail case.
  • There were 24 units in the area and 1 was an estate agents. 4 were food outlets and 2 newsagents.
  • Historically the property was a very successful estate agents for around 30 years, it was a very good site.
  • The agent was surprised at the petition generated, this was done by another estate agent who did not want any competition.
  • This existing estate agent was the only one in South Ruislip. The agent felt that monopoly was not positive or a healthy way forward.
  • If the application was refused by Committee than the unit would be left empty.
  • It was historically a busy parade and the proposed estate agent would improve the parade and business. 


Members discussed the current policy and commented that it was not fit for purpose in the current economic climate. Members discussed the possibility of another business failing and it was suggested that the officer’s recommendation be overturned.


Members also commented that where possible they should maintain A1 usage, that the shop was current occupied as A1 usage. Members considered the option of trying to maintain this property as an A1 usage and seeing if it could be occupied in this way. That other occupiers needed to be considered.


Members discussed the change in the retail market, that there was not as much demand for such shopping parades. Members could assume that the current owner had looked at other opportunities and some felt that it was not down to the Committee to dictate to the owner what he could and could not do.


Members further commented that this was a refreshing application. Members noted that changing the use did not mean the business would be kept afloat. They again, considered the option of giving another A1 business a chance before agreeing to a change of use. 


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed by a majority of 7:1.


Resolved –


That the application be approved and the officers recommendation as per the agenda be overturned. Details of conditions to be agree with the Chairman and Labour lead.


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