Agenda item

Edinburgh Close, Ickenham - Petition relating to the Proposed Parking Management Scheme


Two petitions were considered at this meeting with the Cabinet Member, one petition objected to the proposed Parking Management Scheme, and the other supported the scheme.


Concerns and suggestion raised by the petitioner objecting to the scheme at the meeting included the following:


  • That the petition originally was not in objection of the Parking Management Scheme, but just the severity of the 9am to 5pm restriction.
  • Suggested that a 10am to12noon restriction placed at the top of Edinburgh Drive would deter commuters and teachers from parking.
  • Felt that proposed 9am to 5pm restriction would be too onerous, particularly for the elderly who required help during the day and visits from maintenance contractors.
  • That the original proposal opted for less restricted times.
  • Suggested that since parking restrictions had been imposed in other roads, Edinburgh Close had become more targeted by commuters.
  • Objected to yellow lines being installed outside numbers 13, 14 and 15 where there was a turning cycle and would also mean that it would not be possible for residents to park outside their properties.
  • Suggested that residents parking bays outside these properties would enable cars to turn more easily and create a bigger turning circle.
  • Wished to be able to park either in their drive or directly outside their property, particularly as he had two young children.


Concerns and suggestion raised by the petitioner in support of the scheme at the meeting included the following:


  • Advised that commuters parked over their drives/outside their houses from 7.30am.
  • That the small close was a constant thorough fair where it was only possible to park on one side of the road.
  • Pointed out that residents had endured repeated offences and abuses from vehicle owners.
  • Suggested that vehicles were often parked in the road for up to two weeks at a time by holiday makers.
  • That it was impossible for visitors to park, particularly when visiting elderly residents.
  • Explained that it was very difficult for delivery lorries to enter the close and vehicles regularly had to reverse out of the close.
  • Suggested that vehicles could only go one-way into the close, and vehicular movements of residents were restricted, as they could hardly turn into the close.
  • Advised that parking restrictions would be welcomed but accepted that it would cause some difficulty for the residents in Edinburgh Drive and the Paddock.


Councillor John Hensley attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor:


·        Suggested that the only solution to the parking problems in Edinburgh Close was to give back the road to the residents by introducing a residents’ parking scheme.

·        Considered that it would be prudent to also include Edinburgh Close in the proposed Parking Management Scheme and indicated that it would not solve the parking problems.

·        Suggested that the only problem with the proposed Parking Management Scheme was the lack of consensus in Edinburgh Close, where some residents were in favour of yellow lines and others would prefer parking bays to yellow lines.

·        Highlighted that in order to have parking bays, yellows would be required.

·        Re-iterated that some residents would welcome parking restrictions from 9am to 11am and; 7am to 9pm restrictions would restrict anyone from parking during those times.

·        Urged that it would be futile to not have some sort of Parking Management Scheme in Edinburgh Close.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


  • The petitioners were advised that there had been a 71% response rate from residents in Edinburgh Close when consulted. Out of the 12 responses, 11 had indicted that they would prefer to be included in a possible scheme, with 1 preferring no change.
  • Officers were instructed to investigate whether a scheme would be feasible and report back – the proposed scheme then subsequently resulted in the submission of this 2 petitions currently being considered.
  • Suggested that in proceeding, it would be prudent for officers to present options, discuss them with the Ward Councillors who would then put these options to residents for discussion.
  • Strongly advised against opting for restrictions of 1 hour as other drivers would park immediately after the one hour was up until the next day. This scheme had been operated in other areas in the past and had resulted in residents asking for it to be reversed.
  • Advised that officers would try to develop an acceptable scheme for Edinburgh Close.
  • It was noted that the consultation response from residents of Edinburgh Close was one of the highest that had been received by the Council.


Resolved – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Noted that two separate petitions had been received, one objected to the proposals for parking restrictions and one broadly in support of them.
  2. Discussed with petitioners and listened to their concerns regarding the proposed parking scheme in their road.


  1. Subject to the outcome of 2 above, instructed officers to investigate options for Edinburgh Close and report back to the Cabinet Member and local Ward Councillors.


Reasons for recommendation


It is not clear from the petition whether the residents are asking for changes to the proposed parking scheme or if they wish it to be deferred indefinitely. This will be established with petitioners at the Petition Hearing and, if necessary, through further detailed investigation by officers.


Alternative options considered


These will be discussed with petitioners.








Supporting documents: