Agenda item

24 Eastbury Road, Northwood, 19305/APP/2011/1584

Erection of part ground floor, part first floor, part two storey side/rear extensions and extension and alteration of the roof, including a new rear gable, enlarged rear dormer, installation of new window on existing rear gable and five front and one rear rooflights and internal and external alterations, including the re-location of the front entrance to allow change of use of property from day care centre (Class D1) to provide 2 three-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom flats (Class C3), including alteration of rear terraces, front ramp, bin and cycle stores and associated parking, access and landscaping (involving demolition of existing extensions, external side staircase and front ramp)


Recommendation: Approval



Erection of part ground floor, part first floor, part two storey side/rear extensions and extension and alteration of the roof, including a new rear gable, enlarged rear dormer, installation of new window on existing rear gable and five front and one rear rooflights and internal and external alterations, including the re-location of the front entrance to allow change of use of property from day care centre (Class D1) to provide 2 three-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom flats (Class C3), including alteration of rear terraces,

front ramp, bin and cycle stores and associated parking, access and landscaping (involving demolition of existing extensions, external side staircase and front ramp)


The proposal was to erect part ground floor, part first floor and part two storey side/rear extensions, extend and alter the roof to include a new rear gable, installation of new window on existing rear gable, enlarged rear dormer and installation of five front and one rear rooflights and internal and external alterations to allow the change of use of the property from day care (Class D1) to 2 three-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom flats (Class C3) within the Northwood/Frithwood Conservation Area.


Internal and external works included the re-location of the front door in the front elevation, alterations to the existing terraced areas at the rear, new front access ramp and provision of bin and cycle stores at the side of the property. Parking for 6 vehicles, including a disabled space would be provided on the existing hardstanding area at the front of the property, accessed by means of a new central vehicular crossover, and associated landscaping. Works also involved demolition of the existing extensions, removal of external side staircase and front ramp.


There were no objections in principle to the loss of the day care facility with provision being made elsewhere in the borough and given this former more intensive use of the site, no objections were raised to the principle of providing flats on the site.


The extensions were considered to be appropriate to the size and scale of the building and their design would match existing features and harmonise with the character of the building. The scheme took adequate account of its impact upon existing trees on site. As such, the proposal would maintain and enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


The scheme would not adversely affect the amenities of surrounding residential properties and would afford appropriate residential accommodation for future occupiers. Parking and access arrangements were considered acceptable. It was recommended for approval.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in objection to the proposal was invited to address the meeting.


Points raised by the petitioners:

  • Mr Mark Ryder spoke on behalf of the petition submitted.
  • He stated that many of the 40 strong petitioners could not attend the meeting as it was during half term.
  • The petitioners welcomed the change to the application.
  • The main concerns of the petitioners were traffic, parking and privacy.
  • Mr Ryder estimated that the around 17 people would be living there and this would exceed the 6 cars allocated.
  • They would be forced to park on an already busy road.
  • It was a dangerous 5 junction road.
  • The application would mean that residents existing parking would be reduced on the road.
  • The petitioner asked that Committee visited the site themselves to see the traffic and parking problems.
  • The petitioner felt that the windows proposed had implications on the privacy of neighbours.  The windows were more intrusive than that previously and another neighbouring application could not use the windows proposed.
  • Northwood Residents Association strongly objected to the application.
  • The application went against policy and the petitioner wished that their objections be noted.
  • The petitions suggested alternatives of a single family development or a maximum of 3 flats for the site.


Members were familiar with the road and the surrounding roads. Members confirmed with officers that the proposed extension was in scale with the existing building.


Members discussed any overlooking that could exist and were satisfied that it was within guidelines.


Officers explained to Members that 7 parking spaces were being provided, this exceeded the minimum standard. One of the spaces could be used as a disabled bay and was large enough for the use.


Members were concerned about whether there was adequate space for a 7th bay as well as bin storage. Members also discussed how busy the road could get during the school run.


Officers and Members discussed any traffic implications with Members and felt that there were no additional concerns to consider.


Members stated that they were there to reject or accept the application put to them and not consider the alternatives suggested by the petitioner.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed by a majority of 5 in favour and 2 against. Cllrs’ Melvin and Morgan recorded their vote against the application.



Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the agenda amendments set out in the addendum.

Supporting documents: