Agenda item

Ballinger Way and Waxlow Way, Northolt - Petition Objecting to the Proposed 'At Any Time' Waiting Restrictions


Concerns and suggestions raised by petitioners included the following:

  • The majority of the properties in Ballinger Way contained four (or more) bedrooms and housed at least 2-3 adults and 2-4 children. The area was family-orientated and the neighbours were friendly with each other;
  • For many of the families living in the area, one car was impractical.  Many households had two parents that both worked full time and some worked irregular hours, for example, shift work at the hospital;
  • Although some houses had garages, these were not always large enough to hold family sized vehicles;
  • It was noted that, if the ability to park outside their properties was withdrawn, it would make it difficult for the families that lived there to park as well as their visitors.  The introduction of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions would technically mean that the Police would not be able to park there, and Royal Mail and supermarkets would not be able to make deliveries;
  • It was suggested that the ‘At any time’ restrictions were being proposed to generate a revenue stream for Trinity Estates;
  • Those residents present were unaware of the survey that Trinity Estates had undertaken so were sceptical of its results;
  • If the proposals were implemented, the nearest unrestricted road in which residents would be able to park was Broadmead Road.  An increase in the number of vehicles parking in Broadmead Road would prevent buses from being able to pass each other; and 
  • Residents were unsure what alternative options were available but suggested that they be permitted to park on the footway.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of petitioners and responded to the points raised.  Petitioners were assured that the proposal to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions was not a means of creating a revenue stream. 


It was noted that the Greater London Council made it an offence to park on the footway in 1974.  Residents were advised in June 2011 that the Council would take enforcement action against vehicles parking on the pavement.  The Cabinet Member had seen a series of photographs of vehicles parked on the footways in the area, some with all four wheels on the pavement, and right up to the junctions.  He advised that the Council had a duty to ensure that the highways and pavements were safe for all users.


The Council was aware that refuse and emergency services vehicles had experienced difficulties accessing some of the roads in the area, although not Ballinger Way.  Consideration needed to be given to the area as a whole to ensure that parking was not displaced to the adjoining roads.


The Cabinet Member advised that officers would be producing a report for him regarding the proposals for the area and that the comments received at the Petition Hearing would be considered when the report was put together.  It was noted that officers at the London Borough of Ealing were running a separate, related consultation on parking restrictions in the area and that Hillingdon officers would need to liaise with them.  This would ensure that consideration was given to the impact of any decision made by Ealing on Hillingdon residents – and vice versa.  It was anticipated that a decision would not be made until after Christmas.


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


  1. discussed with petitioners and listened to their concerns regarding the proposed “at any time” parking restrictions in their road.


  1. asked officers to include the petition request and the outcome of discussions with petitioners in the forthcoming report incorporating all representations received from statutory consultation on the proposed “at any time” waiting restrictions in Ballinger Way and Waxlow Way.


Reasons for recommendation


Following statutory consultation on parking proposals, all comments received must be considered by the Council before a final decision is made.  A report will subsequently be drafted detailing these comments which can include this petition together with the outcome of discussions with the Cabinet Member at the petition evening.


Alternative options considered


These were discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: