Committee details

Children, Families and Education Select Committee

Purpose of committee



To undertake the overview and scrutiny role in relation to the following Cabinet Member portfolio(s) and service areas:


·         Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education

·         Children's Services (including corporate parenting)

·         Children’s Safeguarding

·         Youth Justice

·         Youth Services

·         SEND

·         Education

·         Children and Families Development

·         Skills & lifelong learning


Corporate Parenting


This Select Committee will establish a Panel to support strong oversight of the Council’s corporate parenting responsibilities. The Committee may appoint 3 Members to this Panel based on political balance. Membership may include non-Cabinet Members not on the Committee. The Committee may also appoint relevant Council officers and other external stakeholders to the Panel and agree its chairmanship and operation. In agreeing its operation, the Committee will provide for the Panel not to be able to establish any other sub-group or body to carry out its responsibilities.



Contact information

Support officer: Ryan Dell. Email:
