Issue - decisions

Adoption of the Hillingdon Local Plan Part 2 (Cllr Keith Burrows)


18/12/2019 - Adoption of the Hillingdon Local Plan Part 2



That the Cabinet:  


1.    Note the content of the Local Plan Part 2 Inspector’s Report and Main Modifications


2.    Recommend to Full Council the adoption of the Local Plan Part 2 as subsequently amended by the main and minor modifications, and the post examination corrections.


3.    Recommend to Full Council the adoption of the revised Local Plan Policies map as subsequently amended by the main and minor modifications.


4.    Note the accompanying Local Plan adoption statement.


5.    Note the list of Saved UDP and Supplementary Planning Documents/ Guidance policies being withdrawn.


6.    Note the Council’s commitment to an early Local Plan Review during the Examination in Public.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet considered the Inspector’s Report which had examined the Local Plan Part 2 and had concluded that the plan was sound, subject to a number of Main Modifications. Cabinet agreed to progress the adoption of the Local Plan Part 2 with the Inspector’s Main Modifications and the Council’s Minor Modifications.


Cabinet noted that formal adoption by Full Council would be the final stage in the process of producing the Local Plan Part 2 and, subject to its adoption, would mean that the Council had a complete Local Plan in place. Cabinet thanked Council officers for their hard work over the years and welcomed the carefully prepared planning documents, which would provide the spatial planning framework for the sustainable growth of the Borough to 2026 along with all future development proposals to be assessed against them.


Given the long time-frame for local councils to adopt their planning policies, Cabinet expressed its support for the Government to look at simplifying the process.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have declined to progress the adoption of the Local Plan Part 2 but discounted this in order for the updated policies and allocations to be given full weight in determining applications and appeal decisions and to avoid unplanned development across the Borough.


Officers to action:


James Rodgers / Julia Johnson, Residents Services


Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.