That Cabinet:
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education introduced the report and noted that last year the Council had reached a 5 year agreement with the Department of Education to eliminate the schools budget deficit, which included creating extra capacity for SEND places locally.
The Cabinet Member detailed the various block elements of the schools budget and the consultation status of them with the Schools Forum, where some further consultation was required. It was noted that the overall budget was driven by pupil numbers and that there continued to be demand, and increasing pressure on the high needs block which funds children with special educational needs and was contributing to the deficit. It was noted that a disapplication request had been made by the Council to the Department for Education, not supported by the Schools Forum, in order to transfer some of the schools budget to mitigate the increase in the high needs block and that a response was awaited.
In respect of changes to the Government funding, the Cabinet Member informed Cabinet that there was a Looked After Children factor which would no longer apply and would disadvantage Hillingdon given there was a higher proportion of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children in the Borough. The Cabinet Member, however, welcomed the additional funding for the early years funding block allocation which, along with the early years pupil premium, would benefit local nursery provision.
The Cabinet Member noted that the Council was a high delegator of school budget monies, with the vast majority of funding going directly to schools. Cabinet, therefore, agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet could have decided to recommend that the Schools Forum reconsider the proposed funding for schools.
Children, Families & Education |
Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in) |
Decisions 1, 2, 4, 5 & 7 can be called in by 5pm, 24 February 2023 |
Officer(s) to action |
Andy Evans |
Directorate |
Resources |
Classification |
The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.
This item was also circulated less than 5 clear working days before the Cabinet meeting and it was considered by the Chairman to be urgent, and therefore, considered. |