Register of interests

Councillor Peter Smallwood OBE

I, Councillor Peter Smallwood OBE a Member of the London Borough of Hillingdon give notice that I and my spouse, civil partner or person with whom I am living as a husband, wife or as a civil partner, have the following Disposable Pecuniary and other interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
of Member of spouse, civil partner etc:
Guild of Construction Workers - Public Affairs Manager -
Peter Smallwood Consultancy -
2. Sponsorship
Name of Person or Body making Payments to Member: to spouse, civil partner etc:
Conservative Party -
3. Securities
Details of Securities - Member: Details of Securities - spouse, civil partner etc:
4. Contracts with the London Borough of Hillingdon
Description of Contract - Member Description of Contract -spouse, civil partner etc
5. Land in the area of the authority
Address/Description - Member: Address/Description - spouse, civil partner etc:
Address within the Borough supplied -
6. Corporate tenancies - Land owned by the authority
Address/Description - Member: Address/Description - spouse, civil partner etc:
7. Licences to occupy land - any land in the authority's area
Address/Description - Member: Address/Description - spouse, civil partner etc:
8. Other Interests
of Member: of spouse, civil partner etc:
Ruislip Combined Charity -
Union of Brunel Students - Trustee -
Ruislip Round Table 124 - Executive -
Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner Conservative Association - Chairman -
1st/3rd Ruislip Scout Group - Executive Committee -
Conservative Party National Convention President and Chairman of Conservative Party Conference 2023 -
Conservative Party Board member -
Whiteheath Infants School - Governor -
Friends of Pinn Meadows - member -
9. Gifts and Hospitality
Details of gift and value
27.07.22 - Granero Lounge opening, High Street, Ruislip - hospitality - approx' value £25 - accepted.
26.08.23 - GPF Lewis - tickets to watch Arsenal FC - £300 - accepted
21.09.24 - Abel Campos - boxing tickets - £225 - accepted.