Executive post

Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport


Service portfolio


Directorate and Service areas the Cabinet Member is responsible for and where the Corporate Director responsible and Officers within will report directly to:


Place Directorate

Capital Programme - Major Projects


Property & Estates






Repairs & Engineering (including housing repairs)


Building Safety / Facilities Management


Other responsibilities


To oversee and report to the Cabinet on the Council’s responsibilities and initiatives in respect of:-


·         Major construction projects

·         Housing stock development and construction

·         Housing maintenance and refurbishment

·         Facilities management including Energy / Carbon use and consumption

·         Building Safety

·         The Council’s land and property holdings including its industrial and business units, shops, car parks and meeting halls

·         Maintenance of Heritage Assets

·         Highway maintenance

·         Bus routes and transportation

·         Fleet and Passenger Services

·         Road safety

·         Traffic management and parking management schemes


The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in conjunction with the Leader of the Council and Chief Officers, will oversee the acquisition, development, use and disposal of land and property assets across all Cabinet portfolios.




In pursuance of the Council’s objectives and on the recommendation of Chief Officers, to take (or recommend to Cabinet) decisions regarding land and property as set out in the Procurement and Contract Standing Orders – Schedule H.


1.    To receive monthly updates of the sales programme.

2.    To recommend to the Cabinet an Asset Management Policy and Plan and Capital Investment Strategy for the best use of the Council’s land and property, in consultation with Cabinet Members.

3.    Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, to authorise the grant of extension of leasehold interests in properties where the Council is a freeholder, to consider requests from leaseholders of Council properties for loft conversions and to take all constitutional decisions required in relation to disposals, sales and leases for loft spaces under Council freehold.

4.    To make recommendations to the Cabinet for the use of land and property, where there are competing service needs.

5.    In conjunction with the Leader of the Council, to be responsible for overseeing and reporting to Cabinet on all aspects of the Housing Development Programme, social housing grants and other related external grants.

6.    In conjunction with the Leader of the Council, to agree rent reviews, including rent free periods for tenants undertaking capital works or determine whether the Council carries out such capital works and agree to modify any future rent accordingly.

7.    To approve programmes for housing stock investment and confirmation of adjustments to the housing programme.

8.    To approve terms for the appropriation between services, on the recommendation of Chief Officers .

9.    To list Assets of Community Value.

10.To approve lettings of public open space for funfairs, circuses and other similar events.

11.To be Vice-Chairman of the Shareholder Committee for Hillingdon First Limited (Cabinet appointment).

12.Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to make decisions on the release of monies for capital projects within their remit.

13.To approve or refuse requests for footway parking exemptions.

14.To consider comments received as a result of public consultation on traffic management proposals, including waiting and loading restrictions, clearways, controlled parking zones, local safety schemes and to approve the final form of schemes, including approval to the conditions of use for parking permits to e.g. traders, business users, residents.

15.Within the overall budget approved by the Cabinet and Council, to approve the inclusion of individual projects and their variation in the programmes for street lighting, highway maintenance, traffic management, London Cycling Network, London Bus Priority Network, Parking Revenue Account funded schemes, (in consultation with other Cabinet Members as appropriate) within the financial limits set out in the budget framework.


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