Executive post

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Service Portfolio


Directorate and Service areas the Cabinet Member is responsible for and where the Corporate Director responsible and Officers within will report directly to:


Central Services Directorate

Legal Services


Human Resources


Business Administration


Business Performance


Customer Access




Other responsibilities

To oversee and report to the Cabinet on the Council’s responsibilities, initiatives and transformation proposals in respect of:-


·         Legal services

·         Human Resources

·         Information & Communications Technology

·         Information Governance

·         Digital Services

·         Implementation of automation software

·         Business Administration

·         Business Performance and Improvement

·         Customer Access

·         Resident experience and satisfaction

·         Community Engagement

·         Risk Management

·         Voluntary Sector Funding & Corporate Grants

·         Seeking external funding

·         Strategic partnerships




1.    To promote effective methods of partnership working, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member if this relates to specific service areas.

2.    To oversee proposed arrangements with public and other bodies for the delivery and funding of partnership initiatives which affect the Borough

3.    To report to the Cabinet on the development of information technology within the Council’s organisation and the arrangements to promote digital services.

4.    Responsible for consultation arrangements.

5.    To approve the spending of Ward Budgets.

6.    Oversee the Member Development Programme and agree associated seminars and training.

7.    Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to make decisions on the release of monies for capital projects within their remit.


Post is held by