Executive post

Cabinet Member for Residents' Services


Service portfolio


Directorate and Service areas the Cabinet Member is responsible for and where the Corporate Director responsible and Officers within will report directly to:


Place Directorate

Climate Change




Green Spaces, Sport & Culture (Green Spaces)


Community Safety & Cohesion


Anti-Social Behaviour and Enforcement Team (ASBET)


Trading Standards, Environmental Health & Licensing


Waste Services


Parking Enforcement


Planning services


Other responsibilities


·         To oversee and report to the Cabinet on the Council’s responsibilities and initiatives in respect of:-


·         Environmental issues including Climate change, air quality and flooding.

·         Parks, open spaces, woodlands, allotments and other amenity land, reservoirs and waters including the Colne Valley Park

·         Crematoriums, Cemeteries & Mortuary Service

·         Housing strategy for the Borough,

·         Council housing including stock and tenancy management

·         Homelessness duties,

·         Standards of privately let housing & private sector housing grants,

·         The Chrysalis programme of environmental improvements,

·         Street Champions & Feel Proud [neighbourhood campaigns]

·         Refuse service including waste strategy and recycling, civic amenity sites, Street cleansing,

·         Community services including Libraries, sports and leisure, and cultural services

·         Community Safety and enforcement, including anti-social behaviour

·         Parking Services

·         Consumer protection, Environmental Health, Weights & Measures, Imported Food office

·         CCTV and emergency planning

·         Community cohesion - promoting harmony between different cultures and races,

·         All Licensing Policies and Procedures, including the Statement of Licensing Policy, Statement of Gambling Policy and Sex Establishments Policy.

·         Animal welfare and licensing

·         Safety of Sports Grounds

·         Planning policy and planning enforcement

·         Regeneration, including Town Centres and master planning

·         Designation of conservation areas.




1.    To be responsible for the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, in conjunction with the Leader of the Council.

2.    Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport to authorise the grant of extension of leasehold interests in properties where the Council is freeholder, to consider requests from leaseholders of Council properties for loft conversions and to take all constitutional decisions required in relation to disposals, sales and leases for loft spaces under Council freehold.

3.    To approve systems for consultation with tenants and lessees.

4.    To approve housing management arrangements and to commission housing maintenance, regeneration and stock growth.

5.    To sign-off decisions to be taken by the relevant Chief Officer in respect of the Private Sector Leasing Scheme, including Finders Fee and Guaranteed Rental Schemes.

6.    Within the overall budget approved by the Cabinet and Council, to approve the inclusion of individual projects in the Chrysalis Programme.

7.    To be responsible for the Council’s Policy on Drones and Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

8.    To consider representations made on proposals for modifications to the Local Plan / Local Development Framework and to make recommendations to Cabinet as appropriate.

9.    To consider representations made to proposals for supplementary planning guidance and to make recommendations to Cabinet as appropriate.

10.To make all necessary decisions in pursuit of the Council’s policy on Heathrow Expansion and High Speed 2.

11.Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to make decisions on the release of monies for capital projects within their remit.

12.To monitor the implementation of the community safety strategy, including the achievement of targets in the strategy.

13.To be responsible for developing awareness throughout the Council and Borough of community safety.

14.To develop partnership working with the community, the Police, probation service, health service and other stakeholders to develop solutions to community safety concerns.

15.To approve and agree any changes to the Terms of Reference of the Hillingdon Safer Neighbourhood Board and appoint (or dismiss) the Chairman of the Board upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive of the London Borough of Hillingdon and the Hillingdon Borough Police Commander.

16.To approve specific alleygating schemes and alleygating policies and procedures.

17.Jointly with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to make decisions on the release of monies for capital projects within their remit.

18.To represent the Council on the Uxbridge BID and similar town centre partnership.

19.To receive monthly reports on numbers of parking penalty charge notices written off or cancelled by officers.


Contact information

Civic Centre
High Street

Email:  petitions@hillingdon.gov.uk

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