Service portfolio
Directorate and Service areas the Cabinet Member is responsible for and where the Corporate Director responsible and Officers within will report directly to:
Resources Directorate |
Corporate Finance |
Procurement & Commissioning |
Exchequer & Business Assurance Services (excluding risk management/information governance) |
Council transformation & Hillingdon Improvement Programme |
Other responsibilities
To oversee and report to the Cabinet on the Council’s responsibilities and initiatives in respect of:-
· Financial Planning, Treasury, Capital & Systems
· Financial controls,
· Monitoring of the overall revenue and capital budgets
· Schools Budget
· Procurement policy and commissioning of services
· Statutory Accounting and Pension Fund
· Housing revenue account budget, housing capital fund
· Housing rent setting
· Housing benefit scheme
· Council transformation
1. In consultation with the Leader of the Council, to be responsible for overseeing the development of the short, medium and long-term financial strategies to be recommended for adoption by the Council.
2. Capital release - jointly with the relevant portfolio Cabinet Member to make decisions on the release of monies for capital projects.
3. To allocate funds from planning obligations and to receive monthly progress reports on the completion of planning obligation (section 106) Agreements and the use of CIL payments.
4. To oversee and monitor the housing revenue account budget, housing capital fund & housing rent setting, .
5. To approve virements between services if provided for in the budget framework.
6. To sign-off decisions to be taken by the Corporate Director of Finance during the period leading up to the closure of the Council's annual accounts for any necessary revenue or capital budget virements, allocation of priority growth funds or acceptance of grants that may be required for service or project delivery within the overall budget framework approved by Council. That such decisions be reported to a subsequent Cabinet meeting for noting and to ensure transparency.
7. In conjunction with the Corporate Director of Finance and Leader of the Council, to review individual council services budget accounts and make any necessary decisions on adjustments to budgets that may be required before the presentation of the yearly Outturn Budget report to Cabinet.
8. To be responsible for the overall internal and external audit strategies and arrangements of the Council, with operational decision-making and work programmes delegated to the Corporate Director of Finance and monitoring the review of such activity undertaken by the Audit Committee.
9. To authorise the commissioning of work from internal and external audit following a request from the Audit Committee.
10.To be responsible for the overall enforcement, fraud and corruption strategies and arrangements of the Council, with operational decision-making and activity delegated to Chief Officers.
11.To approve write-offs of income of a value of £5,000 or over.
12.To receive monthly/regular reports on income written off by officers under delegated powers (i.e. sums under £5,000).
13.On the request of an Appropriate Delegated Officer within the meaning of the Rules on Procurement, to enter into negotiations, in conjunction with this officer or any other officers nominated by him/her, with those parties who have entered into contracts with the Council.
14.In conjunction with the relevant portfolio holder(s) where required, to take any decisions as set out in the Rules on Procurement – Chapter 18 of the Constitution.
15.To make determination on appeals in relation to the amount of discretionary rate relief and/or the reduction or remission of rates.