Executive post

Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing & Growth


Service Portfolio 


Directorate and Service areas the Cabinet Member is responsible for and where the Corporate Director responsible and Officers within will report directly to: 


Central Services

Planning Services (incl. planning policy, building control, planning enforcement, specialist planning & conservation areas) 


Regeneration (incl. town centres, master planning) 


Economic Development (incl. growth strategy, business engagement, inward investment & worklessness) 


Housing Strategy & Commissioning (incl. housing policies & standards, assessment of housing stock size & condition and the commissioning of housing stock repairs and housing stock acquisitions) 


Housing Management (incl. tenancy management) 


Housing Options and Homeless Prevention  


Transportation (incl. road safety, traffic management and parking management schemes) 


Highways (Highways Assessment & Safety, Highways and EV infrastructure policy) 

Private Sector Housing 


Heathrow Expansion & HS2 


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