Declarations of interest
Date range:
Select a committee
Adoption and Permanency Panel
Anti Social Behaviour Working
Appointments Committee
Appointments Sub-Committee
Audit Committee
Borough Planning Committee
Central & South Planning Commi
Children, Families and Educati
Children, Young People and Lea
Corporate Resources & Infrastr
Corporate Services, Commerce a
Corporate, Finance and Propert
Education & Children's Service
Environment, Housing and Regen
Environmental Improvements Pan
Exceptional Cabinet Member Dec
Executive Scrutiny Committee
External Services Select Commi
Families, Health and Wellbeing
Finance and Corporate Services
Health and Social Care Select
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health and Wellbeing Board Sub
Hillingdon Fostering Panel
Hillingdon Planning Committee
Hillingdon Standing Advisory C
Investigating and Disciplinary
Investment Strategy Sub-Commit
LHC Joint Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee (North
Licensing Sub Committee (South
Licensing Sub-Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee A
Licensing Sub-Committee B
Licensing Sub-Committee C
Major Applications Planning Co
Major Applications Planning Su
Member Seminar
Minor Applications Planning Co
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joi
Munro Report Working Group
North Planning Committee
North West London Joint Health
Pensions Board
Pensions Committee
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Cabinet Mem
Petition Hearing - Leader of t
Property, Highways and Transpo
Public Safety and Transport Se
Registration & Appeals Committ
Residents' Services Select Com
Residents, Education and Envir
Social Care, Housing and Publi
Social Services, Health and Ho
Social Services, Housing and P
Standards Committee
Standards Committee Assessment
Standards Committee Hearings S
Standards Committee Review Sub
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abby, Naser Abby
Ahmad-Wallana, Councillor She
Banerjee, Councillor Kaushik
Basit, Councillor Labina Basi
Bennett, Councillor Adam Benn
Bhatt, Councillor Kishan Bhat
Bianco, Councillor Jonathan B
Bridges, Councillor Wayne Bri
Burles, Councillor Tony Burle
Burrows, Councillor Keith Bur
Chamdal, Councillor Reeta Cha
Chamdal, Councillor Roy Chamd
Chapman, Councillor Alan Chap
Choubedar, Councillor Farhad
Corthorne, Councillor Philip
Curling, Councillor Peter Cur
Davies, Councillor Darran Dav
Denys, Councillor Nick Denys
Dhot, Councillor Jas Dhot
Edwards, Councillor Ian Edwar
Farley, Councillor Scott Farl
Gardner, Councillor Janet Gar
Garelick, Councillor Elizabet
Garg, Councillor Narinder Gar
Gill, Councillor Tony Gill
Goddard, Councillor Martin Go
Gohil, Councillor Ekta Gohil
Haggar OBE, Councillor Becky
Higgins, Councillor Henry Hig
Islam, Councillor Mohammed Sh
Judge Dhot, Councillor Rita J
Kaur, Councillor Kamal Preet
Lakhmana, Councillor Kuldeep
Lavery, Councillor Eddie Lave
Lewis, Councillor Richard Lew
Makwana, Councillor Heena Mak
Mand, Councillor Gursharan Ma
Martin, Councillor Kelly Mart
Mathers, Councillor Stuart Ma
Mills, Councillor Douglas Mil
Mills, Councillor Richard Mil
Money, Councillor Peter Money
Nelson, Councillor June Nelso
Nelson-West, Councillor Barry
O'Brien, Councillor Susan O'B
Palmer, Councillor Jane Palme
Punja, Councillor Sital Punja
Riley, Councillor John Riley
Sansarpuri, Councillor Raju S
Singh, Councillor Jagjit Sing
Smallwood, Councillor Peter S
Sullivan, Councillor Colleen
Sweeting, Councillor Jan Swee
Tuckwell, Councillor Steve Tu
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period